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GREEN, Norvil Nathaniel 1836 - 1918


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/25/2021 at 20:23:28

"The Fairfield Daily Journal"
Monday, September 9, 1918
Page 3, Column 3


Mrs. S. T. CAVINESS received word yesterday that her brother Norvel GREEN had passed away at his home in Wyoming.

The remains will be brought here for burial, the funeral services being held from the Parsonville church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.


"The Fairfield Tribune"
Friday, September 13, 1918
Page 7, Columns 3 and 4


… The death of Norvel GREEN has removed from the early settlers one of their most beloved and respected members. Mr. GREEN came into this neighborhood in 1844 and remained until 1914 - seventy years, when he went to Wyoming because of his health, suffering at times from the effects o fa (sic) sunstroke. Few men indeed, came so near being a friend of all and the enemy of none as did Mr. GREEN. Mr. GREEN loved the church and was the largest contributor to building Parsonsville church, as he was for many years much the greatest supporter with his means and personality. He loved singing and for sixty years was a leader in the old-time singing school spirit.

At one time Mr. GREEN devoted his farming efforts to the sheep industry and had a thousand or so, being perhaps the largest single owner in the county. But increasing age compelled him to turn much of his farming into other hands.

An exemplary son, a kind neighbor, a sincere Christian,--the world is loser because of his death.


"The Fairfield Journal"
Tuesday, September 17, 1918
Page 3, Columns 2 and 3


The death of Norvel N. GREEN has removed from the Parsonville community one of its most loved and esteemed members. For seventy years Mr. GREEN lived in this community and came as near being the frined (sic) of all and enemy of none as it is possible for a man to be. He was the largest contributor to the building of the Parsonville church ,and (sic) much the largest contributor to church support. He was greatly interested in school work and for thirty years was the treasurer of the school district. He gave his interest to all worthy efforts.

At one time Mr. GREEN invested in sheep and was perhaps the largest sheep raiser in the county, having over 1,000 and more at times.

Besides all of his various other work, Mr. GREEN was for sixty years leader of the singing schools in the neighborhood, and during the civil war his "choir" was famous for miles about. The county is poorer in many ways because of the death of Norvel GREEN.

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*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.

Note: Norvil died in Douglas, Converse Co., Wyoming, on September 7, 1918, according to WY records.


Jefferson Obituaries maintained by Joey Stark.
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