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GORDON, Della M. GREEN 1861 - 1885


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/25/2021 at 20:23:28

"The Fairfield Tribune"
Thursday, February 26, 1885
Page 3, Columns 6 and 7


On Friday, February 20th, occurred the death of Mrs. Della GORDON in the 24th year of her age, wife of Mr. Alex. GORDON. Her funeral was preached by Rev. Nugent at the Richwoods' church, on Sunday the 22d, the text being from Matthew, 24th chapter, 44th verse. The hour was one of deep solemnity, as Dr. Nugent spoke of the great necessity of being prepared to meet God. After the funeral services, the remains were followed by a large procession to the Richwoods' Cemetery. She was married to her now bereaved husband, who mourns the loss of a loving wife, Oct. 6th, 1881. Mrs. GORDON was a member of the M. E. Church and a devoted Christian. Although a good part of her life was one of affliction, she bore her affliction as none but a true Christian can. The past few months she had been confined to her room and part of the time to her bed. A kind husband was ever at her side to catch every word that fell from her lips and administer to her wants. Also her mother, Mrs. Sylvester GREEN, was with her to wait on her daughter as none but a mother can do. Also her sisters, Mrs. CHESTER and Mrs LYNN; but alas, husband, mother, sisters and physicians all failed, and death came to releave (sic) her of her afflictions, and she quietly passed away, leaving a bright testimony to all that she had gone to that land where no sickness, nor pain, nor death ever comes. Mrs. GORDON was loved by all who knew her. Her kind and pleasant way made her many friends.

We know she hath gone where her forehead is starred,
With the beauty that dwelt in her soul,
Where the light of her loveliness cannot be marred,
Nor the heart be flung back from its goal.

J. D. B.

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*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.


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