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Powell, William


Posted By: Deborah Brownfield - Stanley (email)
Date: 2/12/2005 at 20:46:45

Fairfield Ledger
Nov. 22, 1899
Page 3 col. 2

A WELL KNOWN CHARACTER GONE. WILLIAM POWELL …a few years ago a man of prodigious strength and one of the characters of the town, died at his home Sunday. He had been in failing health, physically and mentally, for several years…. He was a veteran of two wars, having seen service in the Sixth Indiana Volunteers in the Mexican War and in a regiment which bore the same number in the Civil War….His aged widow, MRS. PATSEY POWELL, to whom he was married in Indiana, and four children, all residing here –THOMAS J.,
A. Z., MRS. SARAH HAVNER and MRS. MARTHA HAWKINS, survive him. His remains were interred in this city yesterday….GEORGE STRONG Post G. A. R. attended the funeral in a body, and an escort was burnished from Company M, Fiftieth Iowa Infantry.


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