HOPKIRK, William 1811 - 1891
Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/21/2011 at 17:34:37
"The Fairfield Ledger"
Wednesday, July 22, 1891
William HOPKIRK, one of Jefferson County's best known citizens, died at his home in Lockridge township Thursday morning. He had reached the advanced age of eighty years and had been in fairly good health until a short time past. His final illness was but a few weeks in duration. Mr. HOPKIRK was born in Gattonside, Roxburyshire, Scotland, May 9th, 1811. He grew to manhood there, and March 3d, 1834, was married to Jane REDPATH, who died in 1869. The same year he and his bride emigrated to the United States, and until 1842 made their home in New York, Ohio and West Virginia. In that year they came to this county, entered a quarter section of land in Lockridge township and founded the home in which both lived until death came to them. Mr. HOPKIRK was a man of more than ordinary ability, of studious habits, and took a great interest in the progress and development of the new state. A warm friend of education, he served for thirteen years as school secretary for his township, discharged all his duties with that fidelity which marked all his public and private work, and succeeded in elevating the grade of the schools in no small degree. He was a member of the board of township trustees for several years and held various other minor offices. Later he served two terms as member of the Board of Supervisors, and in 1869 he was elected a member of the fifteenth general assembly of the State of Iowa. His service in this body was so satisfactory to his constituents that they returned him a second and a third time, a mark of distinction that we believe has been conferred upon no other citizen of Jefferson County.
Mr. HOPKIRK was the father of eleven children, two of whom died in the Union army. Seven are now living -- Mrs. Robert STEPHENSON and Mrs. M. U. BROWN of this city; Mrs. William BANKHEAD, Loomis, Cal., Mrs. Robert STAMM, Osceola County; James HOPKIRK, Seattle, Washington; Mrs. Benjamin HANSON and Alex. HOPKIRK in Lockridge township. All of these children were present at their father's funeral except James. Funeral services were held at the family home Friday, Rev. E. Sampson and Rev. S. T. Horton assisting in them. A large assemblage of neighbors and friends paid a last tribute to the memory of this most excellent man.... He was the earnest friend of every movement which had for its purpose the elevation or betterment of the community, and gave freely from his purse and of his time to any worthy object. He left the impress of his rugged strength and sterling manhood on whatever he undertook, and his good name and blameless life are a sufficient monument to his memory.
*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I am not related to the person(s) mentioned.
Note: Buried in Hopkirk Cemetery.
Jefferson Obituaries maintained by Joey Stark.
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