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P.J. Sherlock Does Jail Time 1922


Posted By: Volunteer
Date: 3/4/2006 at 12:37:54

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 10, 1922

People Demand His Release, as There is Much Sickness.
By the Associated Press.

Ottumwa, Ia., March 10- With Dr. P.J. Sherlock, the lone physician of the village, serving a four week's sentence in the county jail at Fairfield, citizens of Lockridge have stormed Jefferson county officials with petitions asking for his release. Justice of the Peace D.B. Wilson, who sentenced the man after he had been found guilty of intoxication, and Sheriff Walter Harris have no jurisdiction over the case, they assert, and the case is expected to be appealed to Governor Kendall today.

The petitioners declare that there is an alarming prevalence of disease in the village at present, and that with their doctor locked up, they find it exceedingly difficult to summon physicians from other towns.

In a long distance telephone conversation with the governor yesterday, the sheriff was instructed that recommendation from four county officials for the release of the doctor, would be promptly acted upon by Mr. Kendall.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 12, 1922

Lockridge Physician, Held for Intoxication, Still in Jail.
Special to the Democrat.

Fairfield, Ia., March 11- P.J. Sherlock, the Lockridge, Ia. physician, who is serving a jail sentence here for intoxication and for whose release a petition has been presented to Sheriff Walter Harris, will probably serve the remainder of his sentence. Lockridge city officials, headed by Mayor Gus Schillerstrom, are vigorously opposing his release, so county officers have thus far taken no action in recommending it to the governor. Sherlock has about three weeks yet to serve. His friends got busy with a petition in his behalf this week urging his release to care for his practice. It was freely signed by country people around Lockridge.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
March 15, 1922

Is Serving a Thirty-Day Sentence for Intoxication.
Special to the Democrat.

Fairfield, Iowa, March 15.- A second petition asking for the release of Dr. P.J. Sherlock from the Jefferson county jail, where he is serving a 30 days' sentence for intoxication was brought to Fairfield Tuesday evening to be presented to County Attorney Ralph H. Munro. This petition bore the signatures of 204 persons around in the vicinity of Lockridge, but the names of the Lockridge city people were noticeably absent. It was found after a careful perusal of the petitions that the names of the Lockridge township trustees were not on the petition.

The first petition asking for Dr. Sherlock's release was presented to officials here the latter part of the week. It contained the names of 72 people in Lockridge township. The second is from Rome, Glendale and Lockridge township.

The matter of Dr. Sherlock's release was taken up Saturday with Governor N.E. Kendall who intimated that he would act in the matter if the recommendations of the county officials accompanied the petition to him. Inasmuch as the Lockridge city people are not asking the release of the physician the county officials have thus far taken no action in the matter.

However with the second petition before him County Attorney R.H. Munro will probably take the matter up shortly. Dr. Sherlock is known as a most successful physician and he has but lately fallen into the booze habit, but when he falls he falls hard for he has been before the Fairfield justices of the peace several times in the past two months only to be fined, pay his fine, go home and do the stunt over again. When Sheriff Walter Harris went after him the last time, now about ten days ago, he was taken before Justice D.B. Wilson of this city the next day, entered a plea of guilty and was surprised when the placid old justice said "Thirty days in the county jail."

Dr. Sherlock is a likeable man, and one of the most successful doctors of Jefferson county. His practice at Lockridge and surrounding community is large and there is at the present time much illness among his patrons. On account of the bad roads it is sometimes next to impossible to secure a doctor from Fairfield or some of the other nearby cities.

The entire community has become interested in Dr. Sherlock's case and the outcome will be awaited with a good deal of interest not only here but all over the state.


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