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Mary Cornelius Atherton(1857-1925)


Posted By: Anne Hermann (email)
Date: 5/10/2008 at 07:08:55

Jackson Sentinel
August 21, 1925


Mary Cornelius Atherton was born in Glens Falls, New York, on May 22, 1857, and moved with her parents to Jackson county, Iowa, at the age of eleven years and located five miles west of Maquoketa. She taught school several terms.

When twenty-one years of age she was married to Martin C. Burleson, to which union three sons and one daughter were born: Myron H. of Vivian, S. D.; Lucian H. of Sioux Falls, S. D.; William A. of Portland, Ore., and Thekla B. Morgan of Wagner, S. D. all of whom were with her when death came but the youngest son, William.

In the spring of 1898 this family moved to South Dakota where they homesteaded, and this home they maintained until the children grew to manhood and womanhood and likewise established homes of their own. All but one still claim South Dakota as their home.

Besides her four children she leaves one sister, Mrs. Lena Moulton of Eyota, Minn., and a brother, Pell Atherton of Cedar Rapids, Ia., to mourn her loss and departure, and 17 grandchildren and a large circle of friends.

For the past three years she had been an invalid, having suffered a stroke of paralysis, and received the tender care of her devoted children until her death which occurred in Sioux Falls on August 15, 1925.

Being of such an active nature, she bore her misfortune with a remarkable fortitude and cheerfulness. Her amiable disposition won for her a large circle of devoted friends, for to know her was to love her. Her counsel and devotion to her interesting family was a rich heritage to them and they in turn rise up and call her blessed. She has gone to her eternal reward and entered into rest.

She became a member of the Reformed church at Buckhorn in 1877 and was an active and helpful member until her removal to South Dakota over 25 years ago and never withdrew her membership. At her request her body was brought back to the church and cemetery to be laid to rest until the resurrection of the just. Myron, Lucian and Thekla accompanied the body, arriving at Maquoketa Monday, Aug. 17. Funeral services were held at the Reformed church in Maquoketa on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 2 p.m. when a large circle of friends gathered to pay last earthly tribute to a departed friend. Burial was made on the family lot in Buckhorn cemetery. Her pastor, D. F. Boomershine, officiated at her request using the text “The Victorious Life.” Mrs. Nina Wilson and Mrs. Emma Staack sang. The pallbearers were Eben Walker, Harry Littell, Charles Burleson, Clarence Burleson, Thomas Barnes, Elmer Hoff.


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