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Laura Taubman


Posted By: Anne Hermann (email)
Date: 4/9/2008 at 20:53:51

Jackson Sentinel
February 10, 1920

Pioneer Lady Dead

Mrs. Laura Taubman, widow of the late Henry Taubman, passed away this (Tuesday) morning at the Becker hospital after a lingering illness of many months.

Mrs. Laura Fairbrother-Taubman was the last survivor of the Alvin Fairbrother family, who were among the earliest settlers in Maquoketa, arriving here shortly after the J. E. Goodenow family.

Deceased was a life long member of the M. E. church.

Funeral arrangements are awaiting word from deceased’s adopted daughter. Mrs. Alice Brady of Berkley, Calif.

Burial will take place at the Union Center cemetery.


Jackson Obituaries maintained by Nettie Mae Lucas.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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