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Will of William C. Boardman


Posted By: Ken Wright (email)
Date: 9/18/2009 at 10:44:54

Last Will and Testament of William C. Boardman
(on file in the Office of the Clerk of District Court, Jackson County, Iowa, filed October 21, 1884)

I, William C. Boardman, of Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa, being of sound disposing mind and memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament hereby revoking and annulling all other wills heretofore made and executed by me.

FIRST: I direct that all my just debts be paid, including all such bills for medical attendance and expenses of last sickness as shall be proper charges against my estate.

SECOND: I direct that my executors shall procure and erect at my grave a head stone to be like that erected at the head of the grave of my deceased wife and adopted daughter Mary, and with the same inscription and similar engraving as upon the headstone and monument there erected.

THIRD: I will and direct that if within one year after my decease a corporation shall be organized in the City of Maquoketa in the County of Jackson and State of Iowa, under the laws of the State of Iowa, the Charter or Articles of Incorporation to provide that the corporation shall continue not less than twenty-five years under the name of “The Boardman Library Institute” with a paid up capital stock of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500) a board of directors and such other officers as the articles of incorporation may require, duly elected and qualified, that whenever said Library Institute shall be full and legally incorporated, officered and capable or receiving the bequest herein granted and of assuming and performing the trusts herein indicated, if within one year as aforesaid, then my executors shall as soon as they conveniently can transfer and make over to said corporation in trust, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) in cash or good promissory notes, first however having caused said corporation to execute to my executors a bond or contract in such sum as my said executors may deem requisite. Said bond to be duly acknowledged and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Jackson County, Iowa, which bond or contract shall provide:
First That said corporation shall be perpetual under the name and style of “The Boardman Library Institute,” The Library fund to be the “Boardman Library fund,”
Second That said corporation will under the advice of its Board of Directors as soon as possible after having secured the funds herein bequeathed expend One Thousand Dollars of said funds in the purchase of such books for said Library as the Board of Directors deem suitable, and will loan out the other Four Thousand Dollars and such part of the accruing interest as shall hereinafter be mentioned at the best legal rate of interest attainable for a term of years not exceeding ten years on each loan, the interest to be paid annually, the principal and interest to be secured by unencumbered real estate worth double the amount of the loan, exclusive of buildings situated thereon, preference to be given to school districts desiring loans.
Third: That said corporation will faithfully once in each year(to-wit about January 1st) after receiving said funds, expend three fourths (3/4) of the income or interest money on hand in the purchase of books for said library and will place the other one fourth (1/4) at interest with the principal in order to increase said principal to the original sum of Five Thousand Dollars (5000) and kept the same as a permanent fund after said interest has accumulated so as to increase the fund to said sum of Five Thousand Dollars then said Corporation is authorized to expend annually in the purchase of books or for the use and benefit of said corporation the full amount of the income or interest accruing from said fund but in no event is the principal to be used for any other purpose than loaning out.
Fourth And providing also as my last will hereby expressed, that a failure of said corporation to faithfully perform the above three (3) sections and provisions from year to year then said fund interest which shall not have been expended on Books shall descend to and be divided equally by and between the persons and individuals mentioned in this my last will and testament as the beneficiaries.

FOURTH: I give and bequeath to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions One Thousand Dollars.

FIFTH: I give and bequeath to the Home Missionary Society of the State of Iowa, which society is under the control and management of the Home Missionary Society of New York the sum of One Thousand Dollars.

SIXTH: I give and bequeath to the five children of my deceased sister Amanda Sarah Boardman, who married G. J. Whitney, one hundred dollars each, also to the widow of the son (of my sister) Gordon Whitney who died in the Army One Hundred Dollars, amounting in the aggregate to Six Hundred Dollars. The names of the five children above referred to are as follows Victoria Philomelia, Lucy Emily, Luella Martha, Florence Hellena and Delia Chase Whitney and they now reside in Knox County, Ohio and also to the children of the son now deceased.

SEVENTH: I give and bequeath to Mrs. Mary L. Bradford residing in Marshalltown, Iowa the sum of Four Hundred Dollars.

EIGHTH: I give and bequeath to Payson Boardman and also to his oldest daughter Carrie the sum of One Hundred Dollars each. They now reside in Norwich, Vermont.

NINTH: It is my will and a desire that the said trustees of the Congregational Church of Maquoketa shall appropriate each year the sum of ten (10) dollars or whatever amount may be necessary in excess of said sum to keep in good condition and repair the Cemetery Lot where the remains of my wife and stepdaughter and myself are and shall be deposited and the Head Stone and Monument erected at the several graves in good condition and repair and also the fence around said cemetery lot is to be kept in repair and painted white annually.

TENTH: Should there be any funds or effects remaining after paying the several bequests already made in this my last will and testament and such expenses as pertain to my decease since made I give and bequeath the sum whatever it may be (not however to exceed the sum of One Thousand (1000) Dollars) to the son of Rev. S. F. Millikan, by the name of Robert A. Millikan, for the purpose of Educating said son in the profession which he may adopt for a livelihood. It is my desire and wish that the said Robert A. Millikan may be educated for the purpose of advancing the interest of the Christian Religion and become a good sincere follower of Jesus Christ.

ELEVENTH: I hereby constitute and appoint H. E. J. Boardman and L. B. Dunham Executors of this my last will and Testament and I hereby constitute and appoint Charles E. Boardman of Marshalltown Iowa to act as an Executor of this my last will and testament in case of the death or a refusal on the part of the said H. E. J. Boardman or L. B. Dunham or both of them to assume the trust imposed herein and further direct and it is my will that each of the above named executors shall give bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars (5000) or such sum as the Circuit Court may think necessary.



The foregoing and within Instrument in writing and purporting to be the last will and testament of William C. Boardman consisting on Nine (9) pages and Twelve paragraphs or sections was signed by the said William C. Boardman in our presence who at the time of signing the same declared said instrument to be his last will and testament and we at his request and in his presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses this 15th day of October 1880



Post office address of these witnesses is Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa.

(NOTE: Robert A. Millikan, beneficiary in Paragraph Tenth was awarded the Nobel Prize In Physics in 1923)


Jackson Documents maintained by Nettie Mae Lucas.
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