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Ashley, Eunice (Rutherford) 1885 - 1910


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/22/2024 at 16:07:26

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Aug. 30, 1910, FP, C6

Mrs. W. R. Ashley (nee Eunice Rutherford) passed away rather unexpectedly Sunday forenoon, after an illness lasting but one day, although she has been in failing health for several months. The funeral takes place this afternoon at the Ashley church at 1:30 o’clock.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Sept. 2, 1910, LP, C4

On Sunday evening occurred the death of Mrs. Eunice Ashley at her home. It was a sad surprise to all, for although ailing and under the doctors care for three months, her last illness only lasted from Friday until Sunday. She was loved and respected in the community in which she lived, and her husband, little daughter and sorrowing relatives have the sincere sympathy of all. On Tuesday the funeral service was held at the Albion M. E. church, Rev. Gammons officiating, and she was laid to rest in Oak Lawn cemetery.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Sept. 2, 1910, LP, C6
Eunice Aennetta Rutherford was born in Vernon Springs township July 15, 1885. Left motherless, she was entrusted by her father, T. J. Rutherford, during the years of infancy and early childhood to the loving care of her grandparents. When nearly five years of age she returned to her home and in the companionship of four brothers, one elder sister, and her father, grew to sweet womanhood. During this time she accepted Christ as her Savior and united with the Cresco M. E. church then under the pastorate of Rev. Shaffer.
Later she removed to this immediate vicinity and from the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. V. Johnson, was married to Willie K. Ashley June 26, 1907. This union was blessed by the birth of one sweet little daughter, Thelma Emogene. Shortly after her marriage her membership was transferred by letter to the Albion M. E. church, where she was a faithful member, living a life of devoted service to the Master’s cause.
Surrounded by all the comforts of home, loved and loving, her life flowed tranquilly onward until about three months ago her health began to Tail and that dread disease diabetes, fastened itself upon her system. Bravely she battled for life, so much to live for, but all that tender care and medical assistance could do was of no avail and in perfect submission to her Master’s will she answered the summons to come home last Sabbath morning, Aug. 28, 1910.
She leaves to mourn her besides the bereaved husband, infant daughter and immediate home circle, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rutherford, three brothers, Herney, Guy and Victor, an elder sister, Mrs. A. L. White and three younger sisters, Gene, Agnes and Margaret.
The lesson of the life so briefly, yet so well lived in our midst, is beautifully expressed by the closing lines of Thanatopsis.
“So live that when thy summons comes to join the pale realms of shade, thou goest not at night like a quarry slave scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust, approach the grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to gentle slumbers.”
Funeral services conducted by Rev. Gammoms were held at the Albion church Tuesday afternoon. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to Oaklawn. The husband has the sincere sympathy of all.

Oak Lawn Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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