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Breedlove, Ida M. (Barnes) 1876 – 1914


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/22/2024 at 16:07:22

Cresco Plain Dealer December 25, 1914, FP, C6
Transcribed from: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87058075/1914-12-25/ed-1/seq-1/

Ida M. Barnes, daughter of A. H. and Emily Barnes, was born at Chester, Iowa, Apri1 9, 1876, and passed away at her home in Chester Dec. 16, 1914.
She was united in marriage by Rev. Burgess to W. C. Breedlove of Cresco, Iowa, April 12, 1898, and has since resided in Chester with the exception of a few months that she lived in Dakota.
She was a member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years and was an active worker in the choir as well as all other branches of the church. She continued in this work as long as she was able to do so. She was a member of the order of Rebekahs and was a great help and inspiration to it.
While a great sufferer for many months she was a very patient one. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, father and mother and two brothers, with many other relatives and hosts of friends.
The husband and family express sincere thanks and gratitude to friends and neighbors for kind assistance during the long Illness, also to the Rebekahs and choir and for the beautiful floral offerings.

Transcriber’s Note: The gravestone photo in Chester Hill Cemetery shows the date of birth as April 8, 1876 but the above says April 9.

Chester Hill Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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