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Trotter, Sarah J. 1840 – 1914


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 7/11/2017 at 12:37:19

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer, November 20, 1914, P7. C2
Transcribed from: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87058075/1914-11-20/ed-1/seq-7/

Sarah J. Trotter was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, July 29, 1940{sic}, and died Nov. 16, 1914, aged 74 years, 3 months and 16 days. Her mother died when she was 14 years old; since that time she has lived with two of her brothers. She joined the Baptist church when about 20 years old and since that time she has lived a consistent, Christian life, always pleasant and cheerful, thinking much of the happiness of others and always willing to help. Her last sickness overtook her a year ago, and finally took the form of softening of the brain, gradually getting worse until she lost her mind and speech.
The funeral services were held at Elma in the Methodist church, on Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Will Kirwin, of Cresco, and interment was made in the Elma cemetery.

Howard Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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