Yarrington – Morton Marriage 1917
Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/12/2024 at 14:59:30
Source: Cresco Plain Dealer May 25, 1917, P4 C2
On Saturday, May 19th, at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. Kirwin officiating, occurred the marriage of Mr. William Raymond Yarrington to Miss Letia Blanche Morton, both of Cresco, Iowa.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. Den Morton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Yarrington of this city.
The bride was attired in a white lace gown trimmed with white muslin and rose buds. She also wore her mother’s wedding ring. Miss Florence Yarrington, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and wore a pink silk gown trimmed with white lace.
The groom and his best man, Albert Rakow, were attired in blue serge suits.
A wedding dinner was served at the home of the groom’s parents, after which the young couple, and a party of friends, autoed to Austin, Minn., for a short visit, returning the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. Yarrington have gone to housekeeping in the south part of town where they are at home to their friends. May they have their full share of the joys and prosperity of this world, is the wish of their many friends.
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