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Rathert – Scharf Marriage 1908


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/9/2019 at 09:58:26

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Mar. 17, 1908, FP, C5

Fred E. Rathert, son of Wm. F. Rathert was married last Thursday, March 12th, at Fessenden, N. D., to Miss Mary R. Scharf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scharf, of that place. The wedding was a quiet home affair, following which the young couple left for Minneapolis, where they visited at the home of Fred’s sister, arriving in Cresco last evening, where they were welcomed. They expect to visit in Cresco about a week when they will leave for a visit at the bride’s former home at Spencer, Iowa. On their return to North Dakota they will reside near Dickinson, where Fred, with his father-in-law and others will take up government land and engage in sheep ranching.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Mar. 24, 1908, LP, C7

Wedding Bells.
A home wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scharf, this afternoon. The contracting parties were Miss Mary R. Scharf and and{sic} Mr. Fred E. Rathert, and Rev. H. C. Jephcott was the officiating clergyman who tried the nuptial knot pronouncing the ceremony which united the lives of these estimable young people of our little city. The wedding was a quiet one witnessed only by a few friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Coila Scharf, as bridesmaid, while Mr. George Flint did the honors as groomsman. The happy couple will leave this evening on a short wedding trip to Minneapolis and after a few days there will go to Cresco and Spencer, Iowa, for a brief visit with relatives. The News joins with their host of friends in extending congratulations and wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life.—Fessenden, N. D., News.


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