Ely, George " Al" Ellison (1864?-1938)
Posted By: Laura Evans Schnabel (email)
Date: 9/18/2005 at 12:20:41
Daily Freeman Journal July 2, 1938
Heart Attack Fatal to Long Time Resident of This Community.
George Ellison (Al) Ely, 74 a long time resident of this community and a former widely known stock buyer, was found dead in his bed this morning at the home of his sister, Miss Atta Ely, 919 Second street, where he had lived since 1933.
Death was caused by a heart attack. He had been in failing health for several years.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Foster funeral home, with Dr. Effie McCollum Jones officiating; burial in Graceland cemetery.
Mr. Ely leaves his sister and several nieces and nephews. His mother died two years ago, a brother John died in 1935, and a sister Mrs. George Lewis, died two months ago in Eagle Grove.
George E. Ely was born in Toulon, Ill., his parents being Mr. and Mrs. George Ely. The family came to Hamilton county shortly after the Civil war and have lived here since.
For more than 60 years George E. Ely operated his farm, four and a half miles northwest of here. He was also a large stock buyer and stock raiser. The past few years he had been retired.
Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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