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Ely, George (1840-1912?)


Posted By: Laura Evans Schnabel (email)
Date: 9/17/2005 at 11:16:00

Copied from Soldiers' Record, Hamilton County, Iowa
Wifield Scott Post No. 66, Department of Iowa G.A.R.

Whereas, Comrade Geo. Ely of Co. F, 112th Illinois Infantry and a member of this Post has been called "To camp beyond the river." Another comrade is gone, his voice is stilled forever. One by one we are answering the last "Roll Call"
and resting on the other side.

Therefore be it resolved, 1st. That in the death of Comrade Ely we have lost a comrade loyal and true, his family bereft of a kind husband and loving father, the community in which he lived a good citizen and neighbor.

2d. That we commend the family and friends to the great Comforter who said "I am the resurrection and the life."

3d. That as we journey on with our ranks broken, we will strive to emulate his virtues and good deeds.

Resolved, that these resolutions be spread on the records of our Post, and copy be furnished the family, also the local press for publication.

G.S. Jacks
B. McCoy,
John Berogan,

Geo. Ely died at the family home on West Second street this morning at 10:40 o'clock. His demise was caused by a general breakdown and heart disease. Mr. Ely's death comes after a long and painful illness, he having been very low for many weeks.

George Ely was born in Sodus, New York, on the 7th of February, 1840, being therefore 72 years of age at his last bithday. He was married in Toulon, Ill., May 9th 1860, to Carrie Johnson. In August, 1862, he joined the union army becoming a member of Company F, 112th Illinois infantry. He served three years and at different times his regiment was attached to the army of Burnside, Sherman, and Grant. He served until the close of the war and made a good record as a soldier.

In 1865, accompanied by his wife, he came to this city from Illinois, traveling across the county, there being no railroad here in those early days. When he landed in Webster City his entire fortune was a little more than $100. He rented a farm of a man who furnished stock and machinery and farmed in this way until 1882, when he bought 280 acres in Fremont township, for which he paid $30 per acre. He engaged quite extensively in stock raising and made a financial success of all his farming operations. In 1891 he removed from his farm to this city, remaining here for six years, then returning to his farm. A couple of years later he again came to town, purchased a fine home on West Second street and lived there until his death.

Mr. Ely was a progressive citizen, an upright man, a good neighbor, true husband, and a generous and kind parent and he died with the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

The deceased is survived by his wife and five children--Miss Atta, Albert and John Ely of this city; Mrs. Ed Callery of Duncombe, and Mrs. Geo. Lewis, northeast of Woolstock.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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