HOFFA, Henry 1843-1907
Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 3/1/2019 at 22:00:44
Obituary of Henry Hoffa
Old Resident of Melrose Township Dies at the Age of Sixty-three
Henry Hoffa, an old settler, and highly respected resident of Melrose township, died Monday afternoon after a lingering illness of heart trouble and complications, aged 63 years, 9 months and 17 days. Mr. Hoffa has been a resident of Melrose township for thirty-five years, has always taken an active interest in his community and by dint of wise management and earnest labor, acquired quite extensive land interest, and a splendid reputation for honor and unfaultering integrity. His death is deeply mourned by all who know him.
Mr. Hoffa was born in Northumberland county, Pa., October 12, 1843, and was a son of Jacob and Sarah (Snyder) Hoffa, who were natives of Pennsylvania. They with their family removed to Ogle county, Ill., in 1854, where deceased grew to manhood. He was second eldest of a family of sixteen children, thirteen of whom are still living.
At the age of twenty-one he enlisted in the army to serve his country in Company D, 142 Illinois infantry.
The 7th day of December, 1869, he was married to Elizabeth Shelly, of Williamsburg, Blair county, Pa. They began life together near Shannon, Carroll county, Ill., residing there three years. In the spring of 1873 they came to Grundy county, Iowa, settling in Melrose township, where they have since resided. Five children were born to bless this union namely: Maria Sayer of Sunnyside, Wash; Harvey Hoffa of Marshalltown; Iver J. Hoffa and Mrs. Ada Messer, who live near the home place, and Lester who is yet at home. Last October he was taken with lagrippe, from which time his health gradually failed, although having constant medical aid. He realized his unprepared condition for the eternal life and united with the Brethren Church during his last illness.
Funeral services were held at the Brethren church at Ivester, Wednesday at 2 o'clock p.m., conducted by Rev. J. H. Cakerice, assisted by Rev. Silas Gilbert, and attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Interment was made in the Ivester cemetery.
The family have the sincere sympathy of all in their deep bereavement--Conrad Record.
--The Grundy Republican (Grundy Center, Iowa), 8 August 1907, pg 8
Henry Hoffa Dead
Pioneer of the County Passed Away Monday Night
Henry Hoffa died at his home in Melrose township Monday night. Heart failure was the cause. He had been suffering from this trouble for the past six months and for many weeks it confined him to his bed. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30 at the house and later at the church at Ivester. The services were conducted by Rev. Cakerice of Whitten and Rev. Gilbert of Grundy Center. Interment was made in the Sheller cemetery.
Mr. Hoffa was one of the pioneers of this county. He came here thirty-four years ago and settled on the place in Melrose where he died and where he lived continuously since he became a resident of Grundy county.
Mr. Hoffa was born in Northumberland county, Penn. He was 63 years, 6 months and 16 days old at the time of his death.
The deceased was an old soldier and was a member of Wilson's Post of this city. He entered the military service May 16, 1864 and received his honorable discharge on the 16th day of October of the same year.
Several hack loads of the old soldiers of Wilson's post went to attend the funeral and they took with them floral tributes from the members of local post and the W.R.C.
Mr. Hoffa is survived by a wife and five children. The children are I. J., Lester, and Mrs. Adam Messer of this county; Harvey of Marshalltown and Mrs. Marie Fayer of Sunnyside, Wash. All these were at the funeral. In addition there were Philip Hoffa of St. Paul, Nebr., Daniel Hoffa of Sanborn, Mrs. Emma Roadman and Mrs. Anna Shirk of Shannon, Ill., and many friends from Marshalltown together with many friends and neighbors of this county.
--Grundy County Democrat (Grundy Center, Iowa), 1 August 1907, pg 1
Grundy Obituaries maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
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