COX, Judith 1825-1913
Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 10/12/2016 at 14:52:40
Death Of Another Pioneer
Mrs. Cox Dies Sunday at the Age of 86
In the passing of Grandma Cox who died at the home of her son, John, in Lincoln township Sunday, Grundy county loses another pioneer. Mrs. cox came to Grundy county with her family forty years ago and she was a constant resident here up to the time of her death.
Funeral services were held in the Catholic church in this city Tuesday forenoon at ten o'clock. Interment was made by the side of her husband in the Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Cox was eighty-six years old on her last birthday. She was born in Ireland and she came to Illinois in 1859, where she resided until she moved to this county forty years ago. The deceased was the mother of four children. Two of them, a son and a daughter, are dead. The remaining two, John and Mrs. Peter Knudsen, reside in this county. Mrs. Cox's husband died ten years ago. Since that time she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Knudsen, and later with her son, John. She failed gradually several months before the end came and death was due to a general debility.
--The Grundy Democrat (Grundy Center, Iowa), 24 July 1913, pg 1
Grundy Obituaries maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
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