ZECH, Charles 1876-1937
Posted By: Tammy (email)
Date: 1/30/2015 at 17:01:24
Chas. Zech Died Friday After A Year's Illness
Charley Zech, died at his home in Wellsburg at 2:30 Friday afternoon after a year's illness from leakage of the heart. Death came suddenly and unexpectedly. He had been up and about the house during the day and had eaten dinner. He was in bed when he was suddenly stricken only a moment after his wife left him. When she returned to the bedroom he was dead. His health had been failing several years prior to the development of the heart leakage due to an affliction from dropsy. He had been confined to his home for nearly a year.
Funeral services were held at the home at one o'clock Tuesday and later at the Second Christian Reformed church with the local pastor, Rev. DeKorne, officiating. Burial was in the cemetery adjoining the Reformed church.
Mr. Zech would have been 62 years old on his next birthday. He was born in Chicago on July 30, 1876. He came to Wellsburg from Illinois 28 years ago and made his home here continually. Shortly after coming here he was married to Miss Anna Miller. He followed the carpenter trade during all of his active lifetime. He was a good mechanic and a hard and honest workman.
Surviving are the wife and two sons, Julius and Walter. There is one grandchild, two brothers and four sisters. The brothers reside at Mallard and Plover, Iowa. Two of the sisters live in California and two at Mallard. The relatives from Mallard and Plover were here for the funeral services. Others from a distance at the funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. Heye Miller from George, Iowa, and Frank Sullivan and his mother from Minneapolis.
--The Grundy Register (Grundy Center, Iowa), 16 September 1937, pg 9
Grundy Obituaries maintained by Tammy D. Mount.
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