Erick Kittelson 1824-1895
Posted By: Merllene Andre Bendixen (email)
Date: 3/14/2014 at 21:24:31
Mr. Eric Kittleson [Kittelson] died last Saturday morning, Sept. 21, after a brief illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nels Johnson near Watertown, S.D. His wife received a dispatch of his illness, Friday, and took the Watertown train the next morning at about the same hour that he passed away, and thus did not come in time to find him alive. This was of course a severe blow to Mrs. Kittleson and she did not feel able to return to attend the burial of her husband’s remains that were brought here Monday night. The funeral took place Tuesday from the Lutheran Church of which he was a member, and the remains were interred in the Lutheran cemetery near the Kittleson residence.Addresses were delivered at the church by Rev. O. Waldeland as well as by Rev. Engh, and at the grave by Rev. L.J. Houge, a son-in-law of the deceased.
Mr. Kittleson was at his death nearly 71 years old, being born in Norway in November, 1824. He came to this country about 50 years ago and was a resident of Alamakee county this state till he settled down in this county some 26 years ago. He was an industrious hard working man, upright in his dealings. He seemed to have an anticipation of the approaching end and it was his desire to visit his children residing in South Dakota before it was too late. But death overtook him before he could return home and he was resigned and glad to go to the home above, the “Father’s house” of the “many mansions.”
The deceased leaves the following children: Mrs. Nels Anderson of Ellsworth township, Albert Kittleson, Mrs. Rev. O.O. Sando, Mrs. Nels Johnson and Mrs. Rev. L.J. Hauge, all of S. Dakota. (Northern Vindicator, Estherville, IA, September 26, 1895)
Eric Kittleson, whose farm lies just north of town, died at the home of his daughter near Watertown, S.D., Saturday morning, after a brief illness. He had gone there to visit some two weeks ago and was taken with cholera morbus, dying in a few days. The remains were brought to Estherville for burial the interment taking place Tuesday at the cemetery north of town. The services were conducted by Rev. Engh of the Lutheran church, of which organization the deceased was an old and consistent member. Mr. Kittleson was about 70 years of age. He came to this county from Allamakee county 25 years ago. By his frugal habits he soon made for himself and family a comfortable home and gradually surrounded himself with some of the luxuries of life. He was a good man and a good neighbor and his death is sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. (Emmet County Republican, Estherville, IA, September 26, 1895)-----------------------------
Erick Kittelson Dead
Mr. Erick Kittelson died very suddenly at the home of his son near Watertown, South Dakota, last Friday [September 21, 1895]. He left on the 9th apparently in his usual health and died Friday. His remains were brought home Monday and interred in the cemetery north of town [Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery]. Rev. H Engh conducted the funeral services. [He was born November 9, 1825 at the Barskrnid farm, Hallingdal, Norway.] The deceased was one of the oldest residents in this county and leaves an honorable record behind him. He leaves a wife and several children to grieve over his departure, all of whom have the sympathy of the entire community.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, September 25, 1895 and inscription on his tombstone.
Emmet Obituaries maintained by Lynn Diemer-Mathews.
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