Posted By: Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert (email)
Date: 4/23/2002 at 21:24:36
Decatur County Journal
Thursday, March l7, l92lWILLIAM HARRISON WILSON was born at Alton, Ohio, October 28th, l842. Here he received his education and grew to manhood. Being the oldest in the family and realizing the peril of the country and its great immediate need for men in the Civil War, he went to Columbus, Ohio, and enlisted. He served most of his time discharging border duty, until he was given an honorable discharge. He was united in marriage to MISS ANGELINA BETHARDS on Dec. 3rd, l868, at Grove Port, Ohio. In l870, he decided to move west and came to Decatur County and settled on a farm one mile north of Woodland, residing here for thirty years. The decease of MRS. WILSON occurred on March 3rd, l9l4.
Disappointed in not being blessed with children in their home, they adopted a baby boy which died in infancy. Then years later they gave a home to LENA COOLEY, who resided with them until she was married to MR. DANIEL SNYDER, and they reside in Batavia, Ark.
MR. WILSON was married to MRS. EMMA BEAVERS in Leon on May llth, l9l7, and they made their home in the town of Woodland for two years. They they moved and took up their residence in Columbus, O., where they lived until February, l92l. They then decided to return to Decatur County, and while staying at the home of Mr. Homer Johnston, he was taken sick with bronchial pneumonia and died on March l2th, l92l, aged 78 years, 5 months and l2 days.
To mourn his loss he leaves his wife, and brother, MR. JAMES WILSON, of Columbus, who by feeble health is unable to attend. His nephew, MR. WILSON, of Columbus, is present and also MR. HARRY BEAVERS, of Chicago.MR. WILSON was a very faithful and consistent member of the Christian Union Church, and was one of their able Ministers. He preached in Woodland upon numerous occasions, and officiated at marriages and conducted funerals and thus is well known and highly respected throughout the whole community where he has lived so long. MR. WILSON as a soldier, farmer, and Minister, has lived one of those strong, constructive lives which build up a community and make the world better. Many friends unto whom he has ministered will mourn with the relatives the loss of so good a man. Appropriate to him can be said: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
Funeral services were held in the Church at Woodland, conducted by Rev. Jervis, and interment was made at Woodland.
We desire to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all the friends in Leon, and Woodland who so nobly and generously assisted us during the sickness, death and burial of MR. WILSON.
Signed: MR. JAMES WILSON, Columbus, Ohio.
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
April 2l, 2002
Decatur Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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