Posted By: Nancee Seifert (email)
Date: 3/3/2010 at 17:14:22
Decatur County Journal
Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April 9, 1914G.W. MATHER, a former resident of Leon and Grand River, died very suddenly
at his home in Arkansas City, Kansas, on March 9th. He was at one time
engaged in the draying business in Leon and was later in business at Grand
River. The following account of his death is taken from the Daily Arkansas
Traveler, of Arkansas City:"GEORGE W. MATHER, seventy-seven years of age, died of apoplexy at his home,
710 North C Street, about 9:30 a.m., today. This morning he helped his wife
get out a washing and during that time complained to her several times that
he was not feeling well. However, he did not know that his condition was
becoming serious. He went to the dining room and sat down in a chair.
While he was there his wife came to him several times to see how he was
getting along. The third time she came into the room to see him, he was
dead. He had fallen out of the chair and was laying on the floor. Mr.
MATHER felt quite well yesterday and took dinner at the home of his daughter
Mrs. J.M. KOTTERMAN, of this city. He attended services at the First
Baptist Church last night and all day did not complain about his health.
He also felt quite well for several days previous, walking down town
Saturday afternoon.Mr. MATHER had lived in Arkansas City for eight years. He and Mrs. MATHER
came here from Fairfield, Ia. For the past five years he was engaged as
probation officer in Arkansas City and in that work did splendidly. While
working in that capacity he made many friends in this city and also in
Winfield.The deceased was an old soldier, having been a sergeant in the 17th Iowa
Infantry. He is survived by a wife and four children. The children are
FRED MATHER, of Arkansas City; CHARLES MATHER, of International Falls, Minn.
ED MATHER, of Sand Springs, Montana and Mrs. J.M. KOTTERMAN, of Arkansas
City. ED MATHER lives sixty miles from a railroad and has not yet received
the news of his father's death.No arrangements have been made for the funeral services and burial as the
relatives were first want to hear from out-of-town relatives. All of the
children of the deceased may be able to arrange to attend the funeral. The
old soldiers of this city will have charge of the services.GEORGE W. MATHER was an excellent gentleman. He was a devoted husband and
father. He was admired by the many who knew him, and everyone who knew him
always had a pleasant word for him. Mr. MATHER was a devoted member of the
Baptist Church and regularly attended services. He was popular among his
old soldier comrades and was loved by the little children. He made an
excellent citizen as he was interested in the general welfare of the country
and was a booster for his home town. The many friends sympathize with the
bereaved family at this time, which has so suddenly been saddened by taking
away the husband and father."
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
March 3, 2010
Decatur Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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