Posted By: Nancee Seifert (email)
Date: 2/21/2010 at 16:51:17
Decatur County Journal
Leon, Iowa
Thursday, February 19, 1914G.A. HAMILTON was one of the six children of ROBERT and ELEANOR HAMILTON,
born in Butler County, Ohio, March 8, 1827. He died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. W.B. REDMAN, near DeKalb, February 26, 1914, aged 88 years,
10 months and 18 days. Mr. HAMILTON had been in feeble health for a year or
more, making it impossible for him to rally under the severe attack of
pneumonia though the best of medical skill was called to his assistance.When but a lad, his father and mother moved to Indiana, and located near
Crawfordsville. There he grew to manhood. In 1845 or 1846 he left Indiana
to seek his fortune in the west. Iowa was then an undeveloped territory.
It seemed to attract the young HAMILTON. He located in Polk County and Des
Moines was a city with only one or two houses. He was ambitious and
industrious, and this characterized his whole life.September 15, 1849, he was united in marriage with Miss LYDIA SMITH. Soon
after this marriage they moved to Decatur County, locating on a farm in Long
Creek Township. That was his home for 33 years. He developed the
uncultivated prairie into a well equipped and improved farm. During the
residence on the farm he took a great interest in the erection of a church
building near his home and bore a large part of the expense. He became a
member of the church at that time and though not so active as some in the
Master's service he never lost his faith. He was an honest, earnest,
sincere man, kind to all, ready for any good work.Six children were born to them, of whom only two remain, Mrs. JEROME TRAUPEL
of Van Wert, and Mrs. REDMAN, of DeKalb. His brothers and sisters are all
dead, save JOSEPH HAMILTON of Leon.The death of his wife, June 16, 1885, brought a shadow over the home; there
were the children needing a mother's care and love. In June of 1886, Mr.
HAMILTON was married to ISABEL HOLLINGSHEAD. They continued to live on the
old homestead until about 1890, when they moved to Leon. Business
undertakings, together with the farm interests kept him busy. In March,
1892, death again entered his home, calling his wife from earth's activities
Mr. HAMILTON then moved to Van Wert. After 2 or 3 years he was married to
Mrs. HARRIET TRAUPEL of Garden Grove, and they made their home in Van Wert,
till her death, Oct. 25, 1899. Again he was left alone. In a year or so,
after her death, he was united in marriage to ADELINE BURNETTE. This, as
the others, proved a happy marriage. After a few years he was again left
alone, his wife passing through the shadow, into the region beyond. He now
found a home and a welcome with his daughters. A furnished room was at his
command at each of their homes. They cared for him tenderly and with true
filial affection.The body was taken to the Shy Church six miles south of Van Wert, for the
funeral services, the sermon being delivered by A.B. Cornell, of Van Wert.
Afterward the body was buried in the cemetery near the church. He rests
from his labors.
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
February 20, 2010
Decatur Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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