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STILES, George W.


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 2/14/2014 at 14:32:07

Biography ~ George W. Stiles

"Biographical and Historical Record of
Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa"
(Lewis Publishing Company (1887)), Pp. 530-31.

G. W. STILES, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser resides in Garden Grove Township, where he owns 300 acres of land. He has about forty head of thorough-bred cattle, all registered. Mr. STILES’ parents were HENRY G. and ELIZABETH STILES, natives of Vermont and Missouri respectively. They came to Decatur County in 1866, where they remained until the death of the father. The mother is still living. Mr. STILES was reared to the vocation of a farmer, which he has always followed. He was married in Decatur County in 1876, to LAURA J. METIER, daughter of SAMUEL and JULIA METIER, born in Iowa. Her father moved to Decatur County in 1855, and is one of the largest land-holders in the county, owning 1,200 acres. Mr. and Mrs. STILES have four children – ALMAH, MAURICE, HENRY G. and SAMY STILES. Mr. STILES has been township assessor, and held the office of secretary of School Board two years. He is a Republican in politics. His grandfather LILLARD was in the war of 1812. Post office, Garden Grove.

Submission by Sara LeFleur, Decatur County Historical Society Museum, February of 2014


Decatur Biographies maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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