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Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 2/14/2014 at 14:22:54

History of Decatur County Iowa and Its People
Illustrated, Volumne II.

Prof. J. M. Howell and Heman C. Smith
Supervising Editors

The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. Pp. 268-69. Chicago. 1915.


Elmer O. Stearns, cashier of the Van Wert State Bank, which he assisted in organizing, is a native of Decatur county, as he was born near Garden Grove. His birth occurred on the 11th of March, ]879, and his parents are Jonathan and Carrie S. (Bates) Stearns, natives of Illinois and of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, respectively. The father removed to Illinois at an early day in the history of that state, locating near Decatur, where he farmed until 1875, when he removed to Decatur county, Iowa, renting land for a few years, after which he purchased one hundred and eight acres in Franklin township east of Van Wert. He devoted his energies to the improvement and operation of his farm until 1903, when he retired from active life and removed to Van Wert, where he and his wife are still living. They have two children, Edith, who married E. W. Fierce, and Elmer O.

The latter was reared in this county and received his early education in the district schools, but later attended Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa, where he took a commercial course. On leaving scliool he returned to Van Wert and for a year clerked in a store. In 1900 he organized the Bank of Van Wert, becoming its cashier, a position which he has since filled, and on the 4th of January, 1915, the institution was made a state bank. It is capitalized for twenty-five thousand dollars and its deposits total two hundred thousand dollars. Its business has grown steadily and its prosperity is due in no small measure to the sound judgment and financial acumen of its cashier, Elmer O. Stearns. The president of the institution is W. F. Blair, the vice president, Lester Gould, and the assistant cashier, C. G. Jones, and in addition to the officers the directors are M. F. Thompson, Maurice Brown and G. S. Barr. Mr. Stearns is treasurer of the Van Wert Rural Telephone Company, is a director of the Iowa State Bank at Osceola, the State Savings Bank at Sharpsburg, Iowa, and a stockholder in the Weldon Iowa Savings Bank and the Exchange Bank of Le Roy.

On the 16th of October, 1901, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Stearns and Miss Ida S. Anderson, a daughter of Thomas J. and Hannah (Robertson) Anderson. Her parents were natives of Ohio, but were pioneers of Lee county, Iowa, where the father engaged in farming. Subsequently they removed to Wayne county, Iowa, and there he continued to follow agricultural pursuits until his demise, which occurred in 1902. His wife is still living and makes her home at Promise City. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns have two children, namely, Lois M., twelve years of age; and Esther M., a child of four years.

Mr. Stearns is a republican and for the last ten years has served as town treasurer, while for five years he has been school director. He is prominent in local fraternal circles, belonging to the Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church and he is serving as president of the board of trustees of the local church. He has erected a fine modern home in which he resides and is recognized as one of the substantial citizens of Van Wert. The fact that for two years he held the position of secretary of Group Nine Iowa Bankers Association is proof that he is well known and highly respected in financial circles. He has made the interests of his community his interests and no effort to secure the advancement of Van Wert and Decatur county fails to secure his hearty cooperation.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2014


Decatur Biographies maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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