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Elmer Hoaglund 1882 - 1920


Posted By: Kris Halbur (email)
Date: 5/21/2024 at 21:40:31

Prominent Kiron Business Man Whose Death Was Announced Last Week Laid to Rest In Kiron Cemetery

Many Attended the Funeral

Services Conducted by Revs. John Cedargren and C. I. Peterson --Sandstrom Reads Testimonial

KIRON, March 9---Special---It is with a degree of sadness the writer attempt to write the obituary of John Elmer Hoaglund, one of the leading businessmen of Kiron, who died on February 27th, the notice of his death appearing in the last issue of the Review. Assisted by able medical skill, competent nurses, having the loving care and aid from his wife and numerous friends, deceased made a brave effort for life, and it was only when he realized that the Divine Ruler had ruled otherwise, that he submitted to the higher orders, and while wishing to live and be with his loved ones, he commanded them to God's care and passed over the celestial border to await their coming and to then be reunited never to part again.

Elmer Hoaglund was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoaglund, and was born on the Hoaglund homestead just south of Kiron May 1, 1882. The Hoaglund family resided there until 1886 when they moved to Arthur and the father and grandfather opened a general merchandise store. In 1902 the firm started a similar business in Kiron and family returned here.

It was at this time that Elmer was secured as manager of the Farmers' Lumber and Coal company, and he served in this position until his death. As manager of this concern he built up a splendid business and gave it the same careful attention he would have had it been his own, conducting the affairs with credit and success, and the institution today is what Elmer Hoaglund made it. Because of his faithfulness and strict attention to business he won the esteem and confidence of the officers and stockholders of the concern and of all those who did business at that place. In his death the lumber company loses a most valuable manager and a place has been made vacant that will be hard to fill.

Elmer was twice married, his first marriage being with Miss Mabel Lilleholm, Dec 28, 1905. This union was severed when his companion was claimed by death July 20, 1912. On Sept, 23, 1914, he was united in marriage with Miss Marie Steenstrom of Des Moines to this union there were two children born, who with the bereaved wife are mourning the love and affection the husband and father.

For many years Mr. Hoaglund was the honorable mayor of the town of Kiron and he served the community well and faithfully. Although never seeking public office he was chosen to fill various places of trust and always did so in a manner creditable to himself and the public. It was largely due to his untiring efforts that the splendid new school at Kiron was made possible. He devoted much time and overcame many obstacles in carrying out the plans for the new building.

In his death Kiron loses one of its best citizens and promoters of community welfare. As was said by many when learning of his death, he was a prince of a man, frank and upright, with a sterling character.

The funeral took place from the home on Sunday February 29th and acquaintances and friends from far and near attended the services, despite the severe weather and bad roads. The services were conducted by Rev. John Cedargren and Rev. C. I. Peterson. At the close of the service E. N. Sandstrom, president of the Farmer's Lumber Co., read a paper in which he acknowledged the efficient management rendered his company by the deceased.

The remains were laid to rest in the Kiron cemetery. Aside from the wife and two children, deceased leaves his parents and one sister, Mrs. Edna Clark, of Arthur, as near relatives.

From 9 March 1920 newspaper
From Glenn Gustafson


Crawford Obituaries maintained by Kris Meyer.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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