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Mrs. Lund, Sr (Sarah Amelia)


Posted By: Mary Dolan
Date: 10/3/2001 at 19:22:55

13 Jan 1905

The Passing of Mrs. Lund, Sr.

Died at Her Home on North Fourth Street Last Evening at 11:30 P.M.

Funeral Services to be Held Sunday Afternoon From the Home at 2:30 O'clock.

When the news of the death of Mrs. LUND was known in the city yesterday morning, grief filled the hearts of many who were acquainted with her noble life and who have been filled with sorrow during the last few months as her decline daily grew more noticeable.

Although many of her friends have expected the news for several days still they were unprepared for the sad intelligence yesterday morning and her death comes doubly hard to those who attended the funeral of her daughter a short time ago, at which time Mrs. LUND was not expected to live.

For days she hovered over the brink of life and death and then seemed for a time to regain strength, but it was of but short duration and for the past few weeks she gradually sank lower and lower until the end Wednesday night.

A woman of beautiful character and disposition she had a loving spot in the hearts of innumerable friends. Being of a strong christian nature she had no fear of the unknown and passed over the river peacefully in the arms of death's angel.

As one of the founders of the Lyons ladies literary society her vacant chair will always be looked upon with the feeling of sorrow for the woman whose mental powers and personality so long occupied a prominent position in their midst.

Sarah Amelia LUND (nee WESTBROOK) was born in St. Louis February 5th, 1845, and while still a young girl her parents moved to Iowa and made their home at Sabula. On August 11, 1864, she was united in marriage (page is torn here) LUND, Sr., who was conducting a store in that city at the time. On the first day of November, 1865, they moved to this city and she had made her home at 422 North Fourth street up to the time of her death.

She leaves besides her aged husband three sons who are Virtus, Jr., of Miles, Charles of Chicago, and Frederick at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Howard WARNER of Chicago. She also leaves one brother, Chas. H. WESTBROOK of Defiance, Iowa, and one sister, Mrs. Mary H. LEFFINGWELL of this city to mourn her death.


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