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Richard Moore


Posted By: Peggy O'Neill (email)
Date: 12/1/2002 at 18:14:15

Richard Moore

The first record of Richard Moore is his enlistment into the Civil War on July 18, 1861. Richard enlisted into Company B, 1st Regiment, Iowa Cavalry at Clinton County, Davenport, Iowa.
The Civil War commenced in April 1861 when the flag dropped at Sumter. On the 19th of April, a large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Clinton presided over by Mayor John C. Bucher and Dennis Whitney, Secretary. At the conclusion of the meeting, nineteen men enrolled themselves as volunteers and thus Clinton County, Iowa entered the Civil War.
Meanwhile, W.E. Leffingwell and others were engaged in raising a company of cavalry, which was to be known as the “Hawk Eye Rangers.” This company furnished their own horses and accouterments. Local farmers sold horses to the young men. The company was raised and equipment provided without State or Government aid and became the first equipped company of cavalry raised in Iowa. It was officered by Captain W.E. Leffingwell, First Lieutenant, S.S. Burdette and Second Lieutenant, William H, DeFreest.
On July 24, 1861, Company B was presented with a beautiful flag of blue silk, and bordered with golden stars, the name of the company was displayed upon one side while the reverse bore a hawk and an eye. In the talons of the bird was the motto—“We will meet you on the border.”
On July 25, 1861, at an early hour, on Thursday morning, the bugle sounded the “assembly,” and in a short time the men of Company B were prepared for their departure for a rendezvous at Burlington. Richard Moore was among the men departing that summer morning. “There was but one attempt at cheering that we heard, the feelings of the people being entirely to much wrought up to indulge in a hearty cheer.” It was only four days after the disastrous battle of Bull Run and the brave young men of Company B no doubt knew in their hearts that this may well be the last time they set foot in Clinton County, Iowa.
The 1st was engaged at Peasant Hill, Missouri, Rolla, New Lexington, Elkin’s Ford, Little Rock, Bayou Metoe, Warrensburg, Big Creek Bluffs, Antwineville, and Clear Creek. Captain William E. Leffingwell was disabled on November 10, 1862 and 1st Lieutenant Samuel S. Burdett was promoted to Captain on November 11, 1862. The 1st was mustered out of service at Austin, Texas on February 15, 1866.
There would be over 2,500 volunteers and additional 200 draftees from Clinton County, Iowa. The 1st Iowa Cavalry furnished 1,478 men and suffered many casualties. There were two officers and 33 enlisted men killed in action and 8 men killed by accident. An additional two officers and nineteen enlisted men died from their wounds, 189 died from disease, 1 from suicide and 7 drowned.
The men of Clinton County, Iowa who served in the Civil War fought bravely, honoring their State and their county. All gave some and some gave all in defense of the Union.

Richard Moore’s civil war records:

Company B, 1 Regiment, Iowa Cavalry

 Company Descriptive Book. Age 25; height 5 feet 10 inches. Complexion Light. Eyes Blue; hair Red. Where born Westmoreland Co. Pennsylvania. Occupation: Farmer. Enlistment: When: May 15, 1861, Where: Lyons, Iowa. By Whom: W. E. Leffingwell; term 3 years. – Sayre.

 Richard Moore, Private, Capt. Leffingwell’s Co., 1 Reg’t Iowa Cav., Age 25 years. Roll dated Davenport, Iowa, November 1, 1861. Muster-in date July 31, 1861. Joined for duty and enrolled July 29, 1861, Burlington, Iowa for three years. Valuation of horse $105. --

 Company Muster Roll, July 31 to August 31, 1861. --

 Company Muster Roll, July 31 to August 31, 1861, joined for duty and enrolled: July 28, 1861. --

 Company Muster Roll, June 30 to October 31, 1861 Present. Saddle & Equipt. $30.09, owns his horse. Enlisted May 15 at Lyons. --

 Company Muster Roll, November and December 1861. Present. In detached service as orderly for General Davis from November 2 to December 12. Owns his own horse. --

 Company Muster Roll, January and February 1862. Present. Owns his own horse. --

 Company Muster Roll, March and April 1862. Present. Owns his own horse. --

 Company Muster Roll, May and June 1862. Present. Owns his own horse. --

 Company Muster Roll, July and August 1862. Present. Owns his own horse. --

 Company Muster Roll, September and October 1862. Present. Owns horse and equipts. --H. Brandon

 Company Muster Roll, November and December 1862. Present. Owns his own horse. --H. Brandon.

Battery “L” Company, 1st Missouri Light Artillery

 Company Muster Roll, January and February 1863. Absent. Detailed in “L” Co. 1, Missouri Light Artillery, furnished with descrip. roll. Owns his own horse & equips. --H. Brandon.

 Company Muster Roll, Dated April 15, 1863. Absent. Detailed on duty in “L” Co. 1st Mo. Lt. Arty. Owns his own horse & equips. --Tyler.

 Battery Muster Roll, Battery L., 1st Mo., L. Arty. For March and April 1863. Present. Mounted on his own horse & equipment. Det. Frowles B. Detached from 1st Iowa Vol. Cav. By order of (their) Brig. General Herrou (?). --Martin.

 Company Muster Roll, March and April 1863. Absent. Detailed in “L” Co. 1st Mo. Light Art. Since January 6, 1863, furnished Des. Roll. Furnishes horse. –Tyler.

 Battery Muster Roll, Battery “L”., 1st Mo. L Arty. May and June 1863. Record of events shows this man detached from 1st. Iowa Vol Cav. By order of Maj. General Herron was order back to his regiment by Co. Geiger, 8 Mo. Vol. Cav. –Martin

Company B., 1 Regt. Iowa Cavalry

 Company Muster Roll, May and June 1863. Present. Not paid for use of horse and horse equipment since October 31, 1862. Mounted upon Govt. horse since June 20, 1863. –Tyler.

 Company Muster Roll, July and August 1863. Present. Mounted upon govt. horse from last muster to August 13, 1863. –Tyler.

 Company Muster Roll, September and October 1863. Absent. Absent on scout since October 25, 1863. –Tyler.

 Company Muster Roll, November and December 1863. Absent. On escort duty with forage train since December 28, 1863. Mounted on his own horse since August 31, 1863. –Tyler.

 Company Muster Roll, January and February 1864. Present. Pay due for use and risk of horse & horse equipment from December 31, 1863 to February 29, 1864. –Tyler.

 Company Muster Roll, March and April 1864. Present. –Tyler.

 Detachment Muster Roll, March and April 1864. Station Little Rock, Arkansas. Present. Use & risk of horse & horse equipment from December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864. –Exline.

7th Army Corp.

 Company Muster Roll, May and June 1864. Absent. With detachment 7th Army Corp. –Tyler.

 Detachment Muster Roll, May and June 1864. Station Little Rock, Arkansas. Present. For use and risk of horse and equipment from December 31, 1864 to May 12, 1864. –E.B. Thompson.

 Company Muster Roll, July and August 1864. Absent. Detached with 7 Army Corp. –Tyler.

 Detachment Muster Roll, July and August 1864. Absent. Ordered to St. Louis, Missouri to be mustered out of the service by S. O. No. 191 Hd Iws Dept. (?) Ark. History unknown. –Bethel

 Company Muster Roll, September and October 1864. Absent. Detached with 7 Army Corp. –Tyler.

 Detachment Muster Roll, September and October 1864. Station Little Rock, Arkansas. Mustered out of service September 9, 1864 by reason of his term of service expired. – Goodman.


Richard Moore, Private, Co. B, 1 Reg’t Iowa Cavalry. Appears on Returns as follows:

 July 1862 absent in arrest at Jefferson City since July 10, 1862

 August 1862 absent witness before military commission at S. Louis since August 28, 1862.

 January to May 1863 absent detailed on duty in Battery L. Mo. Lt. Arty. Since January 9, 1863.


Central Division of Missouri. Jefferson City Missouri, July 11, 1862.

Charges preferred against Private Richard Moore., Co. “B”, 1st Regiment, Iowa Cavalry.

 Charge 1st – Disorderly Conduct. Specification 1st. On this date Private Richard Moore became hastily drunk, so much so as to entirely (?) him for any duty whatever. (?) so drunk destroyed the peace and quiet of the citizens of Sedalia, Missouri by using boisterous, contemptuous and insulting language & in various other ways destroying the peace and quiet of said town. This against the express and distinct orders of the commanding officers of the post. All this at Sedalia, Mo. On or about July 11, 1862.

 Charge 2nd – Offering violence to his Superior Officer. Specification 1st. In that said Private Richard Moore while being arrested by the Provost Guard did resist he said arrest and offered violence to the same by arraigning his pistol on them and threatening to shoot Lieutenant Logan the officer of the guard and others in various other ways being arrested by the military authorities. All this in violation of the article of war at Sedalia, Missouri on or about July 10th 1862.

Witnesses: Sergeant Smith, Lieutenant Logan, Private M. F. (?), Corp. Smith.

Muster-Out Roll

Richard Moore, Private, Co. B, 1 Reg’t Iowa Cavalry. Age 25 years. Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Austin, Texas, and February 15, 1864. Remarks: Non Vet mustered out Davenport, Iowa September 12, 1864 by reason of expiration of term of service.


Act of April 19, 1908. No. 675143 United States of America, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions. It is hereby certified that in conformity with the laws of the United States Emma Moore, Widow of Richard Moore who was a Private Co. B. 1 Regt. Iowa Vol. Cavalry is entitled to a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month to commence on the twenty fifth day of September 1908 at to continue during her widowhood. Given at the Department of the Interior this tenth day of February one thousand nine hundred and nine and the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty third. James Garfield, Secretary of the Interior.

Pension Increase

Under an act of Congress approved by the President May 1, 1920, your pension from that date is increased to $30 per month. This slip should be securely attached to your pension certificate.

Information on Richard Moore both before and after the Civil War is scarce. It is believed that he was born in May 1835 (1900 Census for Ford Co. KS). Both his Civil War records and a reference on the 1900 census, indicate that he was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. It has been the family’s belief that he was born in Ireland, but that cannot be confirmed. In fact, on the 1900 census for Ford County, Kansas, Richard states that both he and his parents were born in Pennsylvania.
Richard was 5’ 10” with red hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. He was a farmer and an accomplished horseman. It is very possible that Richard lived in the Township of Lyons in Clinton County, Iowa prior to entering the military.
Richard was discharged from the Civil War on February 15, 1864 after three years of service. During his three years of service, Richard served with the 1st Iowa Cavalry, the Battery “L” 1st Regiment Missouri Light Artillery and the 7th Army Corp. He saw service in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana and Texas. He was involved in Guerrilla Campaigns against Quantrell’s, Porter’s and Poindexter’s forces. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and violence against an officer after becoming too drunk in Sedalia, Missouri. He skirmishes against Marmaduke in Missouri and fights in the Battles of Prairie Grove, Pea Ridge, Prairie D’Ane and others.
From 1864, when he is discharged from the Civil War until 1870, little is known of Richard Moore. Richard Moore, age 35, is on the 1870 census for Liberty Township, Clinton County, Iowa (page 282. He is living with Jeremiah Sullivan and working as a farm laborer.
On May 2, 1872, Richard married Emma Marie Wood in the township of Toironto, Scott Co. Iowa. Richard is thirty-six (36) years old and Emma is twenty (20) years of age. A copy of their marriage record (number 5345) was provided by the Davenport Public Library, 321 Main Street, Davenport, Iowa. The record states that the license was taken out on April 29, 1872, the date of marriage was May 2, 1872 and that Minister E.L. Miller performed the marriage ceremony.
Emma Marie Wood was born June 19, 1853, in the township of Olean, in Cattaragus County, New York. Emma was the daughter of Albert and Lucinda Wood. It is not known when Emma moved to Iowa or how she became aquatinted with Richard Moore. What little is known about Emma is that she was a midwife. She had twin brothers named Alfred and Allison and a sister named Lillian Wood. Allison Wood moved to Aberdeen, Washington and was an owner in the partnership of Atcheson & Wood Lumber Company. Lillian (Lilly) married Mr. Newcom and they had two sons, Carl and Floyd Newcomb of Salina Kansas. It is not known what became of the rest of the Wood family.
From their union of marriage, Richard and Emma had three children. (1) Frances Isabelle Moore born in 1874 and died in 1907 during the birth of her child Frances Robinson. Frances was married to George Robinson. After the death of Frances Isabelle Moore, Emma would raise her granddaughter Frances. (2) A daughter Mary Lourinda Moore was born 1877 and died February 28, 1948 in Los Angeles, California. Mary married Shepard Wilson. They live in Salina, Kansas, before moving to Los Angeles, California in 1924. (3) A son Jesse Charles Moore was born September 3, 1885 (or 1886) and died November 27, 1962 in Loma Linda, California. It is reputed that on Jesse’s death certificate it states that his father Richard Moore was born in Ireland. This has not been confirmed.
In 1900, Richard, Emma and Jesse Moore are found living in the Kansas State Soldiers Home in Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas. Richard is sixty-five years old. Emma is forty-six years old. They have been married for twenty-seven years. Their son Jesse is fourteen years old.
The next record of the Moore family is found in Coffee County on the February 20, 1930 obituary for Emma Marie Wood who died on February 18, 1930 at St. Mary’s hospital in Kansas City at the age of 78 years. The obituary has conflicting dates for the marriage and date of death of Richard. It indicates that after their marriage, Emma and Richard lived in Davenport, Iowa for a number of years. Later they moved to Emporia, Kansas and then to Lebo, Kansas.
Richard Moore died on September 4, 1908 in Lebo, Kansas. The years of 1907 and 1908 must have been difficult for Emma Moore. Emma was a midwife. In 1907, during the birth of her granddaughter she loses her daughter Frances. Emma and Richard take on the responsibility of raising their two-week old granddaughter Frances Robinson. The following year, Richard dies. Richard was seventy-three (73) years old.
On August 10, 1919, Emma pledged her membership in the Lebo Methodist Church. She was a devoted Christian. Emma died February 18, 1930, leaving behind eleven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was buried in the Lincoln Cemetery beside her departed husband Richard Moore.


Clinton Biographies maintained by John Schulte.
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