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Crosby, H. B. Mrs. died 1888


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 1/23/2023 at 13:21:13

Elkader Register, Thur., 03 Jan. 1889. Garnavillo column.

Died at her home in Garnavillo, on Sunday, December 23, Mrs. H. B. Cosby. The lady was in delicate health for several weeks but was not considered dangerously ill. On Saturday evening she grew rapidly worse, and although the best of medical skill was resorted to, she died early Sunday morning. Mrs. Crosby has resided here but a few months, but during her brief stay among us, she has won for herself a large circle of friends who will miss her genial face and winsome manners. We extend our sympathies to the sorrowing husband.


Elkader Register, Thur., 03 Jan. 1889.

The body of Mrs. Crosby was shipped to Missouri on1908 Friday. The remains were accompanied by Mr. H. B. Crosby and the father of the deceased, who were summoned by telegraph.


Added by S. Ferrall:
The 1908 obituary of Holmes B. Crosby does not mention a first marriage, only his 2nd marriage to Miss Huntley of N.Y. Anyone knowing the name of Mrs. Crosby who died in 1888, please reply to this obituary.

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