Morris, Joseph "Old Joe" died 1886
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 12/9/2022 at 01:47:18
Elkader Register, Thur., 06 May 1886. Elkport column.
Died- On Saturday, May 01, Joseph Morris. "Old Joe" or "Uncle Joe" as he was familiarly known, came here in 1860 and did the millwright work on the mill here. He claimed to come from Canada, where he had left a wife and two children. This was all the information he seemed willing to impart, and his life previous to his arrival here, was to a certain degree, a mystery. Since then he worked at the millwright trade off and on, but finally sold a small place, which he had taken as payment for his work in the mill, and settled in town. Here he erected a small house which he used both as a shop and dwelling and in which he breathed his last. He was a member of Colesburg lodge I.O.O.F., and many times he went there to attend lodge, on foot. If an "honest man is the noblest work of God" Old Joe certainly was one of that class. Honest, industrious, temperate and sociable, strictly moral he was a living example of what man should be. We are safe in making the assertion that he had not an enemy here, and many and earnest are the expressions of regret heard upon every side upon learning of his death. He lived entirely alone having no relatives here, and died without anyone being present. This, however, was not on account of lack of sympathy but in accordance with his wishes. The members of the Elk lodge repeatedly tendered him brothers to stay with him, which he refused, having no one to attend him but C. Oehrle to whom he seemed especially attached, and who visited him three or four times daily during his sickness. He died a natural death, seemingly having been worn out and when discovered on Saturday evening, he presented the appearance of having dropped asleep. His attendant had been in on Saturday noon and was requested to come back in time to light the lamp; upon returning about six o'clock he discovered his patient dead, having the appearance of having quietly dropped asleep. A day or two before he made a will, by which we understand, he left all his property to the lodge of Odd Fellows here. This consisted of $430. in money and his house and lots in town. Four hundred dollars was concealed in a block in which he had bored a two inch hole and which he then attached to his wood box and used the reverse end as a block to split kindling upon. He was buried on Monday by Colesburg and Elk lodges. The estimation in which he was held was evidenced by the large number of the brotherhood in attendance at the funeral. It was as large a gathering of intelligent and respectable men as has been seen here for many days. Although he had not a living relative here it will be many years before "Old Joe" is forgotten. For his future welfare no one need feel uneasy; when the supreme lodge above is opened and the roll is called Joe Morris will be there.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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