Turner, Persis A. (Nichols) 1844 - 1904
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Elkader Register, Thur., 22 Dec. 1904. Monona column.
Persis A. Nichols was born in Elisabethtown, Essex County, New York, September 11th, 1844. she came to Iowa with her parents in 1856, and on March 29th, 1864, was married to Henry Turner. Four children were born to this union, Edith A. died in 1889, leaving the husband and three children, six grandchildren, a brother and two sisters who mourn the loss of this loved companion and devoted wife and mother.
"None knew her but to love her
None named her but in praise."Mrs. Turner was a noble, generous, loveable woman. The long residence of the family in this vicinity won for her a kindly regard and the esteem of a large circle of intimate friends. Afflicted as she was for the past year or so she was taken to Chicago about fourteen weeks ago, with the hope under expert medical and surgical treatment, that she might regain health and vigor. But, it was willed otherwise. On the 10th of December, every effort having failed, she passed away, into that sleep that knows no awakening. A good woman, a kind and indulgent wife and mother has passed through the portals into eternal rest. The gates were sprung wide open, and He who governs, doing all things for the best, beckoned her into the employment of a Heavenly home. Those of this community who were personally acquainted with Mrs. Turner share with the family in the bereavement they are called upon to endure. The remains reached this city by Monday morning's train, accompanied by the bereaved husband. The funeral was held at the M.E. church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Williams officiating.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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