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Matt Theresa (Burchart) 1839-1925


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

Elkader Register, Thur., 19 Nov. 1925. Garber column.

At the home of her son, Albert, in Volga township on last Saturday morning, occurred the death of Mrs. Theresa Mott, at the advanced age of 8_ years and 29 days. Mrs. Mott was one of the old pioneers of this vicinity. She was born at Baden, Germany, and came to this country at the age of twelve years to Cincinnati, Ohio, and was married there at the age of 19 years to Jos. Mott, two years later moving to Iowa and settling on a farm in Volga, where the greater part of her life was spent. She leaves surviving her seven children and one dead. Her husband passed away 4_ years ago. Burial was held at Garnavillo Tuesday forenoon and the remains laid to rest beside her husband in the Garnavillo cemetery. Rev. Baumholtz officiated.


An Obituary in the Elkader Register, Thur., 26 Nov. 1925. is essentially the same but gives her Surname as Matt, her birth as 86 years ago, her husbands name as Joseph Matt, her deceased son as George, who died about a year ago, and names the surviving children as Albert and Alex Matt, of near Garber, Mrs. Henry Fassbinder, Sr., of Guttenberg, Mrs. Joseph Zapf of Read township, Mrs. Louis Oval of Lamont, Mrs. Byring of Carroll, Ia., and Mrs. Louis Howe of Chicago.


Death certificate gives surname as MATT
DOB: 10/15/1839
DOD: 11/14/1925
Spouse: Joe Matt
Father: unkn. Burtkert (or Burchart)
Mother: Catherine Riseman
Burial: Garnavillo Catholic cemetery

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