Hagensick, John M. 1826 - 1897
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Elkader Register, Fri. morning, 01 Oct. 1897.
At the residence of Postmaster John G. Hagensick at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, Sept. 28th, 1897, occurred the death of John M. Hagensick, one of the prominent residents of the county and an early settler. He had been in poor health for several years. For the past week or more he had been visiting his children, when on Sunday he was taken with one of his asthmatic spells, which took him to his bed, where Tuesday morning he went peacefully into the sleep that has no awakening.
Mr. Hagensick was born in the province of Bavaria, Germany, Aug. 5th, 1826. Early in the year 1854 with his family he came to America, coming by way of New Orleans, thence to St. Louis, thence to Garnavillo where he settled in 1854. He resided here several years engaging in his trade of blacksmithing. In 1860 he moved to Ceres and opened a store. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster under President Lincoln, and satisfactorily filled the position for thirty-four years, until 1894, when he resigned on account of poor health. Besides he acceptably served in several township offices. He has continued to reside at Ceres.
Besides the surviving wife, three brothers and one sister, Louis, of McGregor, John of Boardman, and J. C. (of) Read, and Margaret Schumacher, of Garnavillo; he leaves a family of twelve children, John G., Henry H. and Mary, of Elkader; J. C., George A., Fred and Mrs. Lizzie Hoppe, of Lincoln, Neb., Wm. of O'Neill City, Neb., A. E., of Fremont, Neb., Louis, of Read, and Bertha and Martha, of Ceres.
Deceased as an old resident of the county has always been honored as an upright, honest man, and will be missed and mourned by our citizens generally. His family have the sympathy of their many friends in the sad affliction that has come upon them.
The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from his late residence at Ceres, under the auspices of the Masonic and Odd Fellow lodges of which he was an honored member. Peace be with him, his work is finished.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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