Ellsworth, George 1870-1897
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23
Elkader Register, Fri. morning, 26 Mar. 1897.
Last week Thursday, George Ellsworth, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellsworth, of Read twp., committed suicide in the jail at Manchester. About a year ago the young man made an attempt to kill himself by shooting, but recovered from his wounds. Since that time he was conveyed to the hospital at Independence. Last week he was released from the hospital apparently cured. From the Manchester Press we learn that on Thursday morning he appeared at the jail and asked Sheriff Odell to allow him in a cell in the jail for a few days as he was sick. He was admitted, and laid down on a bunk. When the prisoners were called for dinner, at noon, they invited him to go with them but he declined. A few minutes after he was heard to groan and investigation showed that he had stabbed himself four times in the left breast and then buttoned up his vest and then jabbed the blade of his pocket knife in the left side of his neck. Death ensuing in a few moments from this wound. He had written a letter to his parents that morning, which would indicate that he had planned his death.
The remains were brought to Elkader and the funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the Congregational church. George was an excellent workman and it is sad that his mind should have been led estray, bringing sorrow to parents and friends.
Added by Joy Moore 12/4/2020:
Source: Decorah Republican Mar. 25, 1897 P 3 C 1
Geo. Ellsworth, at Manchester, committed suicide last week Wednesday by cutting his throat. He made a previous unsuccessful attempt with a revolver. He was mentally unbound.
Transcriber’s Note: Find a Grave shows he was born Sept. 1870 and died March 17, 1897. He is buried in the Elkader Cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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