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Ernst, Charlotte 'Lottie' (Splies) 1885 - 1914


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 12 Mar. 1914. Luana column.

As Lloyd Ernst had to vacate the farm at Calmar for their new home at Eyota, Minn., they brought Mrs. Ernst here Wednesday evening, accompanied by her husband, mother, Mrs. Splies, and nurse, Miss Christianson. She stood the journey quite well but pneumonia had set in and she has been in critical condition ever since. Another nurse, Miss Elizabeth Danes, of Monona, was secured, thus making two nurses and six doctors at work in her case. Everything possible is being done to ease her sufferings and all hope for a recovery but at present writing it is very doubtful. Later, Mrs. Ernst died at midnight, Monday

(Note: WPA records show Charlotte Ernst, 1885 - 1914, wife of Lloyd Ernst, buried in Luana cemetery.)

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Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 19 Mar. 1914. Luana column.

One of the largest funeral gatherings ever held in Luana occurred Thursday afternoon, when between eight and nine hundred relatives, neighbors and friends from a distance gathered to pay their last respects to their friend, Lottie Ernst.

Charlottie Splies was born on March 7th, 1885, in Farmersburg township, was baptized by Rev. Sommerlad Oct. 5th, 1886, and confirmed by Rev. Graning, at National in October, 1899. She came with her parents from National to Luana Sept. 4th, 1900, where she resided until July, 1914.

She was not only a member of the church but an ardent and untiring worker. Many are the children in this vicinity who will look back and think of her as the one who led them nearer to Christ and to a better life. Many older ones will remember the days when she led them in music and song in this church and in the church across the way.

Last July she was united in marriage to Lloyd Scott Ernst and moved to Calmar. Although as a girl she was always bright and cheerful and one of the happiest people on earth, yet as a tribute to the one who was loyal to the vows he took, when she took his name, she told her loved ones that the days and months she lived with her husband were the happiest of her life.

She was taken sick Feb. 18th and was brought home to Luana March 4th. During the time she was racked with pain and it seemed as though the pain was incessant, the burden too much, she was never heard to murmur. She had learned the lesson to wait patiently for the Lord. The end was calm and peaceful, she fell asleep. A little while before she tried to talk. Her mother caught some words, "Christian,' and 'Church" were two most distinct. What more beautiful can we ask ? Christian, or, in other words, a Christ follower. On March 9th at midnight she followed His leading through the gates into the Celestial City, whose maker and builder is God.

The funeral services were conducted at the M.E. church by our pastor, Rev. Butler, who had for the reading the latter half of the 13th Chapter of 1 Cor., his text being 1 Cor. 3, 9, "Ye are Gods Husbandry."

The many floral tributes were grand. She now lies at rest in the Luana cemetery. Our sympathy is with the sorrowing husband, parents and other relatives in this hour of trial.

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