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Minihan, Mary Agnes (Sheehan) 1861 - 1919


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 8 May 1919. Local News column.

Mrs. M. Minihan died at her home in Volga Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock. The Minihans are well known in this vicinity having formerly lived on a farm in Highland township. She leaves to mourn her death four sons, Martin, Mike, Maurice and Pat, and four daughters, Mrs. Emmet Thyne, Mrs. A. Cox, and Ella and Irene.

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Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 15 May 1919.

Mary Agnes Sheehan was born at Chillicothe, Ohio, on Easter Sunday, April 3, 1861. At the age of eight years she moved with her parents and brother and sister to a farm near Clermont, Iowa, where she resided until her marriage with Maurice Minihan on May 15, 188_ (looks like 1889). During their entire married life they lived on the old Minihan homestead in Highland township.

On January 28, 1914, when they were preparing to move to town to spend their remaining years together, Mr. Minihan was stricken suddenly with heart failure and died. The shock to his wife was one which she never fully recovered.

In June of the same year she moved with her family to Volga City where she lived until the time of her death, May 6, 1919, at the age of fifty-eight years, one month and three days.

Her life was one of religious devotion, honest toil and self sacrifice. Her main thought being of her God and after that her family and home. Though in very poor health during the past two years of her life, she was always a great comfort to her family, her period of suffering being marked by great patience. During the recent war she gave two of her sons to the service of her country and was always ready to give what assistance she could.

She is survived by her eight children, Mrs. Katie Cox; Michael; Patrick; Maurice; Martin; Mrs. Agnes Thyne; Irene and Ella, who were all at her bedside when she passed away with the exception of Maurice, who is with the A.E.F. in France and stationed at St. Amand. Beside her children she is survived by three sisters, Miss Kathryn Sheehan, of Clermont; Mrs. J. W. Boyle, of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. E. J. McQue of West Union and one brother, Patrick Sheehan of Saskatchewan, Can., besides numerous other relatives and a host of friends who extend their sincere sympathy to the family in their grief over the loss of a loving mother.

The funeral services were held Thursday in Sacred Heart church, Rev. Hetherington acting as celebrant, in a solemn high requiem mass, assisted by Rev. Taken of Elkader, and Rev. Rooney of West Union. The pallbearers were Pat Minihan, E. J. McQue, Martin Connors, James Bergan, Joe Cassutt, and Eugene Connors, all relatives of the deceased.

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