Porter, Lucinda Hanna 1828 - 1900
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Elkader Register, Thur., 3 Jan. 1901. Strawberry Point column.
Lucinda Hanna, the beloved wife of John Porter, died Saturday evening, Dec. 23d, at her home in this place, aged 72 years and 11 days. She was born Dec. 12th, 1828, at Shearbrook, Ontario, Canada. She was married to John Porter Feb. 8th, 1853. To this union were born eight children, five having preceded their mother to that bright home above. The three surviving are Mrs. H. H. Kelly, of Maywood, Ill., Mrs. Dr. Wertz, of Marion, Iowa, and Alexander, of this place.
Early in life she became a servant of the Master and united with the M.E. church. She was an earnest and trustful Christian, ever willing to do her part in the work for good so far as her physical health would let her, and sometimes when her health would not permit her. She took great interest in all church, missionary and temperance work, and was ever ready to lend her influence and a helping hand to the cause of morality.
She has been a resident of this place for 33 years, and a lady possessed of a very gentle, retiring, unassuming disposition, who always tried to make all those about her and all with whom she came in contact cheerful and contented. She was kind and courteous to all, generous to a fault, saving and industrious to a marked degree, an agreeable and indulgent neighbor and a true, fond and devoted wife and mother. Though our eyes look in vain for her, though our ears listen and hear no sound, there is charity in this silence, there is hope in it, and beyond it there is rest; that boon so sweet to the tired sufferer worn out by pain and disease. All we can offer one another in this sad hour is the sympathy of helplessness.
Let us look upon the cold, damp and silent grave as a place of rest, an abode of peace, a place where sorrow and pain cannot enter nor suffering come. Thus ends a beautiful life and it is said of her that she did good wherever she was. Besides her husband, children, grandchildren, she leaves two brothers, one sister and a number of friends to mourn her death.
Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. church the Monday following her death, by Rev. W. A. Gibbons, assisted by Rev. J. T. Hestwood.
"Mother thou was kind and faithful,
Kind and faithful all the day,
Cheerful as the sky of evening
When the mists have passed away."
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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