Voss, Mary Kathryn (Sickels) 1896-1940
Posted By: cheryl moonen (email)
Date: 10/30/2023 at 12:28:01
Mrs. Herman Voss, who before her marriage, was Mary Kathryn Sickels, was born in Dubuque County, August 30, 1896 and she died on the farm near Littleport, December 17, 1940, having attained the age of 44 years, 8 months and 18 days.
On September 20, 1916, she was married to Herman Voss and this union were born six children; Burdett, Alloyus, Chester, Laveri, Dorothy and Regina.
Besides her husband and children she is survived by her father Adam Sickles of Harpers Ferry, four brothers, Fred, Andrew and Joe Sickles of Harpers Ferry and William Sickels of Prairie du Chien and six sisters; Mrs. Mary Knickerbocker of Lansing, Mrs. Anna Bolsinger of Dubuque, Mrs. Marguerite Lackey of Long View, Wash., Mrs. Malinda Hook of Buena Vista, Mrs. Marie Rosensweig of Colesburg and Mrs. Nellie Parsons of Hopkinton.
Before she was married she lived at Graham and thereafter she lived most of the time in the Garber-Elkport vicinity. For the past five years she resided with her family on a farm near Littleport.
Funeral services were held at the home Dec. 20 and burial was made in the Bolsinger Cemetery with Rev. C. P. Schrupp of Garber officiating.
Note: In this obituary the surname Sickels & Sickles is spelled two different ways.
Added by Reid R. Johnson 10/30/23:
Clayton County Register, 18 Dec. 1940.
Sheriff E. W. Carlsen reported this morning that Mrs. Herman Voss, 44, farm woman living between Littleport and Edgewood, had committed suicide yesterday by hanging.
The lifeless body was found by her husband in the barn between four and four-thirty. No inquest was held.
Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Friday, from the late home and burial will be made in the Bolsinger cemetery, the Rev. Carl Schrupp officiating.
The body is at the Oelke mortuary where it will lie in state until tomorrow afternoon.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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