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Voelzke, Frank 1884-1953


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 10/5/2014 at 08:36:24

Cedar Rapids Gazette, Thur., 29 Jan. 1953.

Iowa Deaths:

Monona- Services for Frank Voelzke, 68, were held Thursday in St. Paul's Lutheran Church.

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Clayton County Register, 05 Feb. 1953.

Funeral services for Frank F. Voelzke, 68, were held Thursday, Jan. 29 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church with the Rev. R. C. Schlueter officiating. Burial was in the Lutheran cemetery.

Mr. Voelzke who had been ill for many years and had lost his eyesight, died at his home near Monona on Monday, Jan. 26.

He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Voelzke and was born in Pommerania, Germany on March 22, 1884. When a young man he came to America. On Sept. 28, 1910 he married Amelia Jarms. For several years he was a carpenter and later moved to a farm east of Monona.

Surviving are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. George Wilker; two sons, Carlton and Lyle; a sister, Mrs. G. Strelow; and four grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by a son, Milton, a sister and a brother.

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