MARSHALL, Wesley 1886-1935
Posted By: Judy Moyna (email)
Date: 10/3/2012 at 17:40:55
Abstracted obit, found with other obits. No source:
Wesley Marshall, son of Wm. & Harriet Marshall
Born in Lodomillo Twp. On Sept. 9, 1886 7 died July 24 1935
On April 3, 1907 married Ora V. Miles Littleport
One daughter, Mrs. Leslie Homewood
Sister Janie Schmidt
Brothers Ernie Marshall, Henry & Ellsworth
Sister Annie Carpenter
Added by Reid R. Johnson on 12/3/2017:
Clayton County Register, Thur., 1 Aug. 1935.
Strawberry Point: Thursday, shortly before noon, it was learned that Wesley Marshall, living in the southeast part of town, had committed suicide.
Mr. Marshall had been to the Gala Day celebration Tuesday and friends found him jolly as ever. Mrs. Marshall had gone to her sister's, Mrs. Ralph Dunn, to spend a few days. Thursday morning she received word that Mr. Marshall could not be found. The daughter, Mrs. Leslie Homewood, of Edgewood, was notified, and at once commenced looking for him. Mrs. Homewood found her father's body in a hollyhock bed near the woodshed, with his head blown nearly off. A double-barrel shotgun was near. Dr. F. H. Howard was called and pronounced it a suicide case. No inquest was held.
Mr. Marshall was born on a farm in Lodomillo township, Sept. 9, 1886. He was united in marriage to Ora Miles of Littleport. To this union one daughter, Donna, now Mrs. Leslie Homewood of near Edgewood, was born. The home was made on a farm until a few years ago when they moved to town, where he has since resided.
Surviving are his wife, daughter and two grandchildren, Ruth and Robert Homewood; one sister, Mrs. Janie Schmidt, of Strawberry Point, and one brother, Ernie Marshall, of Dubuque.
Little can be said to the sorrowing family, but Mr. Marshall is spoken of by his many friends as an honest and upright man, ready to do good wherever needed. No cause for the deed is known.
Funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. James P. Gable, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment was made in the Strawberry Point cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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