Eberling, Louisa (Meyer) 1844-1929
Posted By: Bill Waters (deceased)
Date: 11/18/2003 at 11:21:56
Mrs. Louisa Meyer-Eberling was born June 5, 1844 in Schlessinghausen, Germany, and died at the home of her son, Fred Eberling, southwest of Postville, at about 1:30 O'clock Sunday morning, January 6, 1929, aged 84 years and seven months.
In early infancy she was baptized in the Lutheran church of Schlessinghausen, and at the age of fourteen years she was admitted to communicant church membership by the rite of confirmation.
May 10, 1863, she was united in marriage to Diedrich Friedrich Ludwig Eberling, also of Schlessinghausen, Germany, and after several years of residence in their native land the family came to America to make their home. To this union eight children were born, one of whom died in infancy, and two others, besides the husband preceded her in death a number of years ago.
The past sixteen she has made her home in this city (Postville), but during the past year, owing to the infirmities of age and failing health, she has spent much of her time visiting at the homes of her children.
She leaves to mourn her departure two daughters, Mrs. Chris (Amelia) Harnack of near Postville and Mrs. Matilda Baethke of Cresco; and three sons, Fred of near Postville, William of this city and John of Cresco. Also 19 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and many other relatives.
Deceased was a dutiful wife and devoted mother, a true friend and good neighbor, whose pathway through life was strewn with kindly acts and comforting words that drew about her a large circle of admiring friends who will regret that she is no more and will learn of her passing with sincere sorrow. Verily, a good woman in the fullness of years has been called to her reward and her end is peace.
The funeral was held from St. Paul's Lutheran church in this city on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. E. T. Finck conducting the service, and the large attendance of sorrowing friends and many beautiful floral tributes most fittingly attested the high place she held in the community where so many years of her life had been spent. Interment in Postville cemetery
ŠPostville Herald: January 10, 1929
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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