Douglass, Reuben 1849-1924
Posted By: Julie (email)
Date: 10/1/2007 at 20:26:55
Sorry, this one doesn't have anything referring to what newspaper it might be out of.
Reuben Noble Douglass was born at Garnaville, Iowa, August 16, 1849, and died at Des Moines, December 24, 1924, at the age of seventy five years and four months.
He was a son of a pioneer family of Clayton county, where his boyhood years were spent. At an early age he entered actively into business affairs, associating with the Bayless drug store at Elkader. He came to Postville in 1878, engaging in the drug business, which he continured until the time of his death, a period of over fifty years.
He was active in organizing the Citizens State Bank of Postvill,e elected it’s first president and held that office for many years. He was always interested in the affairs of the community, serving as a member of the school board and city council.
He was married June 15, 1880, at National, Iowa, to May Hamilton; who survives him. Their four children, Ruth, Anna, Harvey and Ray, are in Postvill now. There is also one grandchild Betty May Douglass.
Of his brothers and sisters who grew to manhood and womanhood, he is the first to break the circle. His brothers and sisters living are: George at McGregor; Mrs. Ellen Champion, Chicago, Ill; Mrs. Anna Gates, Fort Worth, Texas; Edward of Dysart; Mrs. Cora Gates, New York City and Leverett, Nevada county, California.
He was a member of the Masonic fraternity for over fifty years and was also a member of Unity Chapter no. 62, R.A.M.
He was interested in political affairs, a student of social economics and an ardent Single Taxer. His was a strong, positive character, fearlessly defending the principles which he believed to be in accord with truth and justice. The needy and distressed never called on him in vain. He won the respect of the people with whom he came in contact by his loyalty to the right, his fair square ideas and his staunch uprightness.
The funeral was held from the home in this city last Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by the Masonic fraternity, G. W. Hunt of Guttenberg conducting the service for the local lodge. Interment in Postville cemetery.
The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful.
Geo. Hamilton of Des Moines, Geo. Douglass of MeGregor and Edward F. Douglass of Dysart were among the out-of-town relative present.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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