Alfred D. Dillivan
Posted By: Terry Hacker (email)
Date: 6/26/2005 at 16:27:13
From the Lanesboro Graphic, Lanesboro, Iowa Thursday July 28, 1966
Obituary of Alfred Dillivan
Funeral Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Lanesboro Methodist church for Alfred Dillivan of Lanesboro who passed away Monday morning at the store Memorial hospital at Lake City, after a 2 year illness.
Alfred D. son of Jerry and the Larana (Morlan) Dillivan, was born in Carroll County March 20th 1900 and passed away July 18th 1966 at the age 68. He operated a filling stationed in Lanesboro for several years. She was united in marriage to Mills Ester Holm of Lake City on Oct. 20th 1922 in Lake City. He is survived by his wife and one son Glenn D. of Scranton; two grandchildren in the following brothers and sisters: Jim and Shelby of Lanesboro void of Guthrie Center, Jake of Carroll, Frank Of Wood Lake California and Fred of Scranton. Mrs. Natalie Jones of Shenandoah; Mrs. Sara Vermuele of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Otis Hildreth of Rockwell City.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 PM at the Lanesboro Methodist Church with the Rev. Willis Grant off. The music was provided by Norma Myers and Mary Toyne, accompanied by Kathy Troxel.
Pallbearers were: Don Remsburg, Floyd Remsburg, Don Stoolman, Don Jassen, worry Harshbarger in John Best.
Burial was made in the Lanesboro Cemetery.-------------------------------------------------
This obituary was posted by Sue on the Carroll Co. Ia Obituaries Forum on Sun, 10 Oct 1999. I posted the obituary as printed out from the above posting in 1999. Alfred Dillivan is a brother of Jake Dillivan who married Lucille Klocke.
Carroll Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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