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Struble, George W 1834-1900


Posted By: Geo Clinton (email)
Date: 6/16/2016 at 17:41:41

Storm Lake Pilot Tribune - Fri, Feb 9, 1900 - George W Struble died at his home last Saturday, after suffering with dropsy for the past nine months. He was one of the oldest and best known citizens in this section, having been one of nine voters in BV county when he moved here in 1863.

Mr Struble was born in Canada, Ontario county, NY on Jan 23, 1834. he was married to Mary Moore in New York state in 1860, and in 1863 they moved to Buena Vista county, bringing their baby daughter Flora, who died in childhood.

Arriving here in Nov, they commenced the erection of a log cabin on the homestead, east of the present residence, which for years was the main tavern and stopping place in this section. The first sermon preached in Buena Vista county, it is said, was delivered by Rev Snyder in their log home.

They resided here until they built the central house in 1871. Mr Struble was proprietor of this hotel for about 10 years, at the same time looking after his large farm east of town, until in 1881 he disposed of the hotel property to J.J. Duroe, built a new residence on the homestead and returned to the farm. In 1892 he built the residence on Main street now owned by Dr Nordstrum and again moved into town leaving his son Wallace to look after the farm.

After the death of Mrs Struble on June 15, 1898, he made his home with Mr and Mrs Neddler until last summer, when he built a neat cottage in his evergreen grove bordering the east of the city, where he resided until his death last Saturday.

The funeral services were held at the Congregational church Tuesday forenoon conducted by Rev Nutting and the remains laid to rest beside those of his wife and daughter at the Struble cemetery on the old homestead.

Arrangements for the burial had been made and pall bearers selected by Mr Struble several weeks before his death. Although the weather was disagreeable, the funeral was largely attended, the deceased being held in high esteem by his many friends. The banks were closed during the services. Sioux Rapids Republican


Buena Vista Obituaries maintained by LaVern Velau.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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