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KEENAN, Patrick ca1818-1878


Posted By: Audrey Haught, volunteer
Date: 4/20/2018 at 13:46:28

One of the first settler, and one of the most respected and successful famers of Allamakee County, passed to “that bourne whence no traveler returns,” at 8:35, on Thursday, the 14th inst.

Deceased was born in Dublin, Ireland, about the year 1818. Came to America in 1845, where he found ample scope for ambitious energies and good business qualifications, with which nature had endowed him.

Three years after landing in the United States, he came to this country, and first settled on Lansing Ridge, where he had resided with his family nearly a year, when he removed to Jefferson Township – there he lived till death transferred his soul to brighter and happier realms.

He had very little means, when he came to Allamakee; but, by constant industry and the exercise of economy, and knowledge obtained form study and experience, he amassed a handsome fortune.

He owned 700 acres of land, besides a handsome residence, which cost him over $4,000; and his whole estate, at the time of his death, could not be estimated at much less then thirty-five or forty thousand dollars.

Almost two years ago, his health began to fall and it continued declining till his left side became paralyzed. The ablest physicians in this section were called into attendance but the dying members of his body could not be resuscitated – one by one they became a prey to the fatal disease, which was pronounced apoplectic vertigo.

He bore the painful affliction with heroic Christian patience and fortitude and always possessed a bright faith in the saving truths of religion, the rites of which were duly administered to him while in full control of his senses; and death was hailed by him as the dawn of a lighter and happier life, with God, for eternity.

The funeral was one of the largest and most respectable, that has ever taken place in this county. Many of our most influential citizens followed his remains and demonstrated the high estimation placed upon him as a good honorable man, true friend, kind father and good Christian.

The procession, about a half mile in length, started form the house at 8:30 am on Saturday last, reaching Cherry Mount catholic church at 11 o’clock in the forenoon. There were four clergymen in attendance: Rev. P.A. McManus of Cherry Mount and Paint Rock; Re. J. Haw, Waukon; Rev. Klerman, Wexford and the Rev. Slattery, Lyceurgus, all of whom assisted in celebrating High Mass. The Rev. Father Slattery delivered a very touching and eloquent sermon upon the duty of a Christian; and paid a deserved tribute to the many good and generous qualities of the deceased.

Immediately after the ceremonies in the church were concluded, his remains were carried to the Church yard and interred by the side of his three children, who had gone before him; and amid the tears and sorrowful cries of his family and friends, his body was consigned to the grave.

His family have the sympathy of the whole community; and best wishes for their welfare in the future, for which deceased made ample provision.

He leaves a wife, seven sons and two daughters, the eldest being Richard F. Keenen, Teacher, in Lansing township.

Elkader Register: April 4, 1878
Republished from: The Waukon Democrat


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