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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, IAGenWeb Project

Photos of Southern Benton County World War II Veterans
Page Last Updated: Thursday, 10-Mar-2022 04:32:56 CST


Harold Alcott

Jess Allnut

Paul Amlie

George Barr

Dean Becker

John Becker

Joseph Becker

David Boddicker

Otto Bombeck

Ralph Bridgewater

Merle Bruch

Leo Buelow

Walter Christopher

Leomoine Clausen

Virgil Clausen

Robert Cline

Rolland Coffland

Ernest Crow

Lyle Dellamuth

Arnold Dickenson

Harold Drahos

Laurel Ebert

Harold Ehrman

Elmer Eichorn

Richard Fisher

Albert Furler

Arnold Furler

Ernest Furler

Eugene Goss

William Groff

Emma Grunewald

Henry Grunewald, Jr.

Richard Hack

Merlin Hagen

Wilbur Hartz

Willard Heitschusen

Carl Hettinger

Leslie Johnson

Donald Keegan

Jim Kern

Dale Kimm

Francis Kimm

Harley Kimm

Glenn King

Russell King

Joseph Kozlik

Carl Krueger

Charles Kubichek

Clarence Kubichek

Faye Kubichek

Lawrence Kubichek

Victor Landuyt

Daniel Lenton

Gerald Lenton

William Lenton

James Leslie

Albert Maeder

Harold Martin

Ellsworth G. McMains

Dwayne Meyer

Paul Meyers

Bertha Miller

Maurice Miller

Edward Mittan

Floyd Moore

Orville Moore

George Mullane

Edward Myers

Robert Myers

Leonard Paulson

Jack Pederson

Wilfrid Peiffer

Rubert Petersen

Harley Ransom

Joseph Reider

Marion Retter

Howard Rieke

Gene Root

Clarence Schulze

Robert Schulze

Kenneth Smith

Martin Stoll

Milton Stoll

Richard Stoll

John Thorman

Mary Thorman

Robert Tranberry

Victor Ullerich

Martin Veenstra

Robert Veenstra

William Veenstra

Charles Vogel

Vernon Vohaska

Elmer VonAshen

Marlyn Voss

Donald Ward

Harold Webert

Alvie Whitworth

John Whitworth

Jerome Wilhelm

Joseph Wilhelm


Fred Backes

Lawrence Backes

Raphael Fitzgerald

Alfred Froning

Orville Garling

Ervin Glinsmann

Eugene Grummer

Paul Grummer

Fred Hartkemeyer

Albert Hoyt

Harley Hoyt

Kenneth Hoyt

Lindley Hoyt

Lyle Hoyt

Harold Jackson

Lewis Jackson

Arnold Jensen

Arlo Kern

William Kern

Frank Kouba

Wilson Kouba

Eugene Kramer

Eldo Kuester

Willis Kuester

Milan Leudtke

Alvin Lohf

Harold Lohf

Lorenz Hilbert

Roy Lundberg

Dean Nieland

Leo Nieland

Bud Radeke

John Radeke

Merle Radeke

Wayne Radeke

Carl Rieck

Harlan Rieck

Herman Rieck

Merlin Rieck

Richard Rieck

Cliff Risdal

Willis Roth

LaVerne Schroeder

Vernon Schroeder

Elmer Sheets

Earl Shellenberger

Roy Shellenberger

Gerald Stewart

Loren Stewart

Milo Straka

Charles Strong

Herbert Taschner

Cleo Toney

Delores Voss

Duane Wehrman

Kenneth Wehrman

Willis Wehrman

Merlin Wonrau

If you have pictures associated with Benton County that you would like to contribute
to the Benton County IAGenWeb site, please contact me by clicking on the email link below.

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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