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Belle Plaine Union; Feb. 16, 1922
Feb. 16, 1922

Celebrated Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Zavodsky of Luzerne Married Fifty Years. Fifty Present.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zavodsky, well respected residents o£ Luzerne have reached the Golden Anniversary of their wedding and celebrated the event on Thursday, February 16th at their home in that place. They were married in Bohemia fifty years ago, The wedding taking place February 16th, 1872, and came to the United States to make their home many years ago. They settled on a farm near Marengo where the home was maintained until about eight years ago when they retired to their present home.

About fifty guests gathered and spent the day with them including their children, grandchildren and great grand children. A bounteous dinner was served at noon and the afternoon hours were spent with music and social conversation.

Their eight living children are Mrs J. C. Sullivan of this city; Mrs. A L. Kosta of Chelsea; Mrs. E. J. Cherveny of Keystone; Jerry Zavodky of Marengo; Chas, and Frank Zavodsky of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Joseph Plucar of Cedar Rapids and Joseph Zavodsky at home.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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