Van Horne Record; Feb. 2, 1917
Jan. 31, 1917
Walterdorf - Thompson.
Elmer Woltersdorf and Cora Thompson were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s sisrer, Mrs. August Mussman, in Vinton Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. L. F. Smith performed the ceremony and the couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Mussman.
The bride was dressed in a beautiful gown of white chiffon over lace and the groom wore the conventional black.
The groom is one of Van Horne’s most popular business men, being connected with the Van Horne Auto company and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Thompson. They are among Van Horne’s most highly respected young people and their many friends extend their heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life.
They left that day for a honey moon in Chicago and other points in Illinois. They expect to return in about ten days and will go to housekeeping at once.
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Every Other Daily Union; Feb. 28, 1905
Feb. 26, 1905
north of Belle Plaine
Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Anna Schild north of town, occurred the marriage of Miss Helen Schild to Newton Woltersdorf. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. Ch. Stauffacher of Bethany United Evangelical church. Only the immediate families of the contracting parties witnessed the uniting of these young people in the bonds of matrimony.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Woltersdorf are well and favorably known in their respective communities. They will make their home on the Marquardt place near Van Horne, which place Mr. Woltersdorf has recently purchased.
The best wishes of many friends are gladly extended.
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Blairstown Press; Jan. 24, 1941
Jan. 1, 1941
Boulder City, Nevada
Knaack - Woltersdorf
Madelene J. Knaack, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Knaack of Minneapolis, formerly of Van Horne, was united in marriage Jan. 1, 1941, at the Community church in Boulder City, Nev., to Stanley S. Woltersdorf, son of Mrs. Helen Woltersdorf of Belle Plaine, also formerly of Van Horne.
The double ring ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. MacElroy of Burbank, Calif., and Lloyd Knaack, brother of the bride. The bride was dressed in blue with navy accessories and carried orchids.
The couple took a wedding trip through Death Valley, the Mojave desert and into the famous Twenty-Mule Team Borax mines.
Mrs. Woltersdorf was reared in Van Horne and attended the public school until her sophomore year when she moved to Minnesota with her parents. She completed her high school work at McGregor, Minn., and later attended the university of of Minnesota from which place she was awarded a B. A. degree in 1936. She has been employed in Minneapolis until late last summer when she accompanied her brother on his return to California and where has been employed in Los Angeles. The bridegroom was also reared and graduated from the Van Horne high school in 1931. He assisted his mother on the farm until a few years ago when they moved to near Belle Plaine where he has been assisting in the management of a nursery farm. A few months ago he also went to the Pacific coast and is employed by the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. The couple will reside in Los Angeles.
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