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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project

Photos of Unidentified People
Page Last Updated: Monday, 21-Nov-2022 16:55:53 CST

Can you identify these Benton County, Iowa people?

Young Vinton Man
Picture of a young man taken in Vinton, Iowa. I believe this may be Glenn Howard Jones, who was raised by Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Andre, based on a newspaper photo published in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1926. Glenn married Avis Leone Fry in 1919, and served in WWI.

submitted by Merllene Andre Bendixen, 2022

Found in wallet
Found in wallet of grandmother who lived in the Urbana and Vinton area

submitted by Toni Rice, 2021

Picture 1
~ (22K)
I have an old photo of a man that was apparently taken by "Coon & Martin, cor. Main & Beach Sts. Belle Plaine, Iowa." I judge it dates from the turn of the century, by way of background.

The photo comes from my grandmother's artifacts. She was Swedish. An inscription on the back of the photo -- "Selma Eliasson, Smedeboda, 1895" -- does not match the face. I know who Selma Eliasson was, but she didn't immigrate to the U.S. until 1902 with a declared destination of Denison, Iowa. Selma was born in 1884 at Smedeboda (Västra Torup Socken), Sweden.

submitted by Dean Wood, 2001

Picture 2
~ (18K)
This is a picture which I believe to be either some of the 'Bordwell' or 'Yerkes' family. My Grandmother was the daughter of William and Mary Margaret ( Yerkes ) Bordwell. This picture was found among some of my mother's Photos. There is no writing on either the front or back to indentify a date or who might be in the picture. This is just a portion of the picture with the two older people enlarged in the hopes of identification. In addition to the two older people, there are seven adult males standing, seven adult females ( 2 standing and 5 sitting ) four young girls sitting in front of the women, two young boys sitting in front and 1 baby being held by a man ( father ? ). If anyone can identify the older people in the picture I can send the full picture.

submitted by Gary Clark, 2002

Picture 3
~ (42K)
Martin J. Haefsig - who was he? I have the name of the photographed but I don't know who he is or if he was related to anyone in Benton county. He is Martin J. Haefsig a German soldier that was born in 1856. He was in Bahlingen Germany when this picture was taken. He was in a pile of Photos that belonged to one of my cousins Mary Raetz daughter of John Raetz and Alice Wendel. So I'm wondering if he was someone's boyfriend long ago that they left behind in Germany or someones relative. I think it is an interesting mystery photo and it is one of my favorites. I guess taken in the late 1870s considering his youth and when he was born. There is German script on the back of the photo detailing his name and date of birth.

submitted by Suzanee Judd, 2003

Picture 4
~ (75K)
The lady in the back row, on the right side of the picture, ( in the darker dress ) is my Grandmother Beulah Bordwell. I would like to know who the others are in the picture. I believe that her sisters, Ida Bordwell-Betts and Susan ( Susie ) Bordwell-Viles are also in the picture, but have no idea which they might be. All I know is that my Grandmother went back to Iowa for a reunion with her family. The only ones still alive were Beulah, Ida, Susan and their brother Benjamin. The picture was probably taken in La Porte City, Black Hawk County. Ida Bordwell-Betts lived in La Porte City, and that is where their mother Mary Margaret Yerkes-Bordwell died. Prior to that the family had always lived in Benton County. I believe the picture was taken around the mid to late 1920's. Any information about these Photos would greatly be appreciated.

submitted by Gary Clark, 2004

Picture 5
~ (75K)
My Grandmother is on the left hand side of the picture, back row, between the two men. One of the other women from the first picture is also in this picture in the back row. This might mean that this is one of her sister's family, with children and grandchildren. The picture was probably taken in La Porte City, Black Hawk County. Ida Bordwell-Betts lived in La Porte City, and that is where their mother Mary Margaret Yerkes-Bordwell died. Prior to that the family had always lived in Benton County. I believe the picture was taken around the mid to late 1920's. Any information about these Photos would greatly be appreciated.

submitted by Gary Clark, 2004

Picture 6
~ (41K)
Unknown man in photo. (no date or name given)
Wigwam Gallery, Geo. H. Dunne Operator

submitted by Cheri Daniels-Lee, 2005

Picture 7
~ (78K)
This photo is in an old album and is not labeled.
The album contains Photos of the Jones-Wean families in Vinton.

submitted by Cheri Daniels-Lee, 2005

Picture 8
~ (79K)
Does anyone know anyone in this photo?
It was a photo postcard taken around 1900 in the Benton Co. area. I believe these people may somehow be related to, or neighbors or friends of the Bockholt/Bokholt brothers, William, Carsten or Nicholas of the Irving area. Any help would be much appreciated.

submitted by Debra (Bokholt) LaFontaine, 2006

Picture 9
~ (291K)
Attached is a school class picture that I found. I believe that it is one of my grandmother's ( Beulah Bordwell ) class pictures. There is no date on the picture of the back that I can find. I am sure that it is a picture from Vinton, Iowa. On the back there is the list of names, each having a number in front of each name. It is in very bad shape as the ink has faded and only a few of the names can be read.

Each name that I was able to read was that of a child I was able to find in the 1900 Federal Census. Each was living in Vinton. Following is a list of the names I was to read, along with the number ( from the back ) and their date of birth from the census.
??  Georgia Thayer - Apr 1892
??  Blanch Harper - Oct 1891
09  Verla Black - Oct 1891
10  Frank Cummings - Nov 1890
11  Verl Loveland - Dec 1890
12  Marian Westover - Nov 1892
13  Robert Rowe - Dec 1888
18  Vera Loveland - Dec 1890
19  Jerry Lynch - Jan 1891
My Granduncle ( Benjamin Bordwell ) might also be in the picture.
I am not sure if the number relates to the seating, and if it is left to right, right to left, etc. The names on the back were not written by one person, but several.
I would like to know if anyone could identify any of the children listed and maybe my grandmother or granduncle.

Thank you

submitted by Gary Clark, 2007

Picture 10
~ (26K)
On the back in my grandmothers hand - my second cousins from Iowa usa
        Two of the McCurley sisters c1910
Two of the following sisters- Ethel b1894, Leota b1896 or Anna b1904 lived Walnut St, Columbus City 
Perhaps someone out there recognizes the family, I have more info if they want it.

submitted by Gay Forbes, 2008
Kimm family reunion
Picture 11 ~ (273K)
Can you identify anyone in this Kimm Reunion photo? I I do know that Jacob Kimm is in the center with the beard and Jacob Kimm, minister, is in the front with a child.  All together, with three wives, he had 22 children.
Any help will be appreciated. 


submitted by Kaye Sanchez, 2010

Picture 12
~ (88K)
This photo is of my ancestor from Iowa, most likely a Hammond lady. The style of clothes would indicate it was taken in the 1880's. Any help in identifying her would be appreciated.

submitted by Frank Hammond, 2011

Vinton 1
~ (88K)
Photo found by Larry Schlotterback

submitted by Larry Schlotterback, 2011

Vinton 1
~ (166K)
This photo comes from photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. Taken by the Engledow studio of Vinton.

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

Vinton 2
~ (140K)
This photo comes from photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. Taken by the G.J. Kennedy studio of La Porte City in nearby Black Hawk County. Please help identify the child in the photograph.

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

Vinton 3
~ (245K)
This photo comes from photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. Taken by the Engledow studio of Vinton. Please help identify the children in this photo.

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

Vinton 4
~ (120K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 5
~ (117K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 6
~ (129K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 7
~ (118K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 8
~ (116K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 9
~ (123K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 10
~ (136K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 11
~ (126K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 12
~ (115K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

Vinton 13
~ (113K)
Photo found by Kevin Subra

submitted by Kevin Subra, 2013

String of Beads 1
~ (46K)
From photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. The girl on the right in this photo is apparently the same as the young woman in "string of beads 2" and "string of beads 3." I need help in identifying her as well as in identifying the other two girls. This small card (2.75"x3.25") has no studio imprint, but the style of border is similar to another that I have from the Carroll/Yetter, Iowa area.

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

String of Beads 2
~ (215K)
THis photo comes from photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. Taken by the Rohner studio of Carroll, Iowa. See "string of beads 1" for what appears to be a Vinton post-wedding photo of the young woman on the right in this photo, wearing the same string of beads. I have no information on the identity of any of the four. Watch for the handsome young woman reappearing in "string of beads 1." Can you identify any of them?

The border of this card contains X marks aligned under each of the adults pictured, as if their names would be written on the back of the card, but no names are there. The card back does have, however, the red-stamped numbers "12-332" and then traces of a blue-stamped number "26."

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

String of Beads 3
~ (165K)
This photo comes from photos held by the Bonesteel family of Dysart, Iowa. Taken by the Engledow studio of Vinton. Note the string of beads worn by the handsome full-lipped young woman -- it and she show up in an earlier photo taken in Carroll, Iowa. Please help identify either of these young people.

submitted by Dennis (Denny) Chadwick, 2013

Frank Smith cousin
Cousin of Frank Smith

submitted by Kaye Sanchez, 2011

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