Belle Plaine Every Other Daily Union; Sept. 11, 1902
Died from Poisoning
Emily Yocom
Emily Yocom, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Yocom of Blairstown, died last Friday from poisoning, the result of eating some weinerwursts which showed evidence of strychnine. The child became hungry during the forenoon and called for something to eat. Her mother gave her the weinerwursts which had been cooked the night before. Shortly after eating them she became very ill and after two hours of suffering passed away. It is said that in some cases the skins of the weinerwursts are cleaned with arsenic and the effect would the same as that caused by strychnine. The little girl was a niece of Mrs. G. S. Tinker, her mother being a sister of Mrs. Tinker and O. W. Macy of Vinton.
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Blairstown Press; March 16, 1923
Useful Life Ends in Death
Mary Louisa Yocum
Funeral Services Were Held in the Presbyterian Church at Blairstown
Mary L. Macy was born September 10, 1860 in Iowa County, Iowa. She was the youngest of 12 children, 10 of whom grew to maturity. The early years of her life were spent on the farm, where she was born. In the year 1881 she was united in marriage to Neal H. Yocom at the home of her sister in Vinton, Iowa.
To this union were born three sons and one daughter, Daniel Lea, Ralph G. and Neal Ross and Emily Anna, the latter preceding her mother in death, passing away when about five years of age.
In July 1909 she was called upon to mourn the death of her husband.
She had a dauntless spirit, which even the tragic death of little Emily, the idol of the home failed to break. After the death of her husband, she remained in the home until 1912.
With her characteristic love of being useful and a heart full of love for humanity, she took up the work of matron in a "Home of Benevolence" in San Jose, California, where she remained until 1912, when failing health compelled her to return for surgical treatment, which she underwent in the spring of 1915 in Chicago.
Later in the summer she returned to again take up the work in the home for which nature had so well endowed her, where she lavished the love of a great heart upon the orphan children under her care.
Later her trouble returned and she was compelled in 1918 to give up the work she loved so well. She proceeded to Omaha, Nebraska, for treatment. From the time on she made her home with her son D. L. most of the time in Fremont, Nebraska. During those years she made a number of visits to her old home here and to other places. The last year of her life was spent in the home of her in Boulder, Colorado.
She was patient in her suffering and so eminently prepared for the end which came on Wednesday, March 7, 1923. The body arrived in Blairstown on Friday morning and lay in state at the home of Mayor and Mrs. B. F. Paul, close friends of Mrs. Yocom.
The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church, where for many years she was an active worker. The service were in charge of Rev. F. A. Smily of Jefferson, a former pastor here, assisted by Rev. M. E. Krotzor, the present pastor.
The floral tributes were beautiful and profuse. Mrs. Ray Goos, Mrs. G. L. Edwards, J. R. Cline and B. F. Paul rendered appropriate selections. Interment was in the family lot in Pleasant Hill cemetery by the side of her loved ones.
Those from far away who were present at the funeral of Mrs. Yocum were her three sons Lea of Boulder, Colorado, Ralph and Ross of Fremont, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. George Tinker of Belle Plaine, brother in law and sister of the deceased, Ed Yocom of Springville, Austin Yocom of Marion, Mrs. Powell and Mrs. B. T. Allen of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Henderson of Marshalltown, Mrs. Dan Conwell of Grand Junction, Mrs. Ed Hansen and Mrs. W. A. Hecht of Belle Plaine.
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Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette; July 23, 1909
Blairstown Man Dies Suddenly
Neal Hambleton Yocum
N. H. Yocum Taken Suddenly Ill at Pullman this Morning
Complained of Being Ill While at Breakfast Table and Was Taken to Wash Room, Where He Died Shortly Afterwards - Was Prominent Lumberman
N. H. Yocum, a prominent lumber dealer and one of the older residents of Blairstown, Benton county, died at the Pullman restaurant shortly before 10 o'clock this afternoon, after a short illness which came upon him as he was at the breakfast table. As soon as it was discovered that the man was dead, Coroner King was called and after making an examination ordered the body taken to the Beatty undertaking parlors, where it is being held pending advice from his family at Blairstown. Just what caused his death is not known, but it was thought to have been a heart failure aggravated by weakness from an operation three weeks ago for appendicitis.
Taken Ill at Breakfast
Mr. Yocum came to the city yesterday with a number of friends from Blairstown to see the circus, and remained over night at the Grand hotel. He arose rather late this morning and went to the Pullman restaurant for breakfast, accompanied by two of his friends from Blairstown. Shortly after they had begun eating Mr. Yocum complained of feeling ill, and rapidly grew worse until his condition became rather alarming. His friends supposed that his illness was due to weakness from the operation and the strenuous day in the city yesterday and one of them brought him a brink of brandy, which Mr. Yocum had asked for.
After drinking the brandy the sick man was taken down stairs to the wash room and placed in a rocking chair. He seemed to feel much better, and after after talking with him a few minutes the friends went back upstairs and left him, thinking that he would soon follow them up. Shortly afterwards the porter went down to the washroom, and seeing the man lying in a rather unusual position in the chair he went up to him and was horrified to find that he was dead. He immediately notified Mr. Sprague, one of the proprietors of the restaurant. Coroner King was called and body was taken to the undertaking establishment.
Well Known Business Man
N. P. Yocum was about 48 years of age, and was the son of Daniel Yocum, one of the pioneer residents of Benton county. After the father, who was engaged in the lumber business in Blairstown died, the son took charge of the business, and had been prominent in the lumber business for about twenty-five years, first with his father and later having charge of the business himself. He leaves a wife and three son, all of whom are grown. Two of the sons live in Blairstown and the other in Ohio, but the latter is also in Blairstown at present on a visit. He had an elegant home in Blairstown and was in very comfortable circumstances so far as world's goods are concerned. No arrangements have been made as yet for the funeral which will undoubtedly be held in Blairstown.
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Name also spelled Yocom}
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