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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Courier (Waterloo, Iowa); Jan. 29, 1931
Mrs. Nancy L. Torgler
Nancy L. Torgler

Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy L. Torgler, 40, 413 1/2 Fifth street west, who died Saturday night in a Waterloo hospital following an operation, were conducted Tuesday at Keystone, Ia. She was employed for the last two years in the drapery shop at Laurerman's store. Surviving are three sons, Walter, Russell and Donald, 413 1/2 Fifth street west.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 15-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Blairstown Press; July 25, 1919
Keystone Man Is Drowned
Oscar Torgler

Iowa River Near Koszta Scene of Sad Picnic Tragedy

Oscar Torgler of Keystone met his death by drowning Sunday afternoon about 3:30, one half mile north of Koszta.

He was in company with a number of other men and their families who had come to the river to spend the day, fishing and picnicing. Eight or ten of the men decided to go bathing and went a few rods above the bridge to go in. Not one of them could swim. The unfortunate man while wading, stepped off where the water was seven or eight feet deep and where the water runs swift. It is at the lower end of the new cut off and the river at that point is from 6 to 12 feet deep.

He was thirty years old and leaves a wife and two small children. The ill fated man was a distant relative of Mrs. Fred Breece of Iowa City, and Mr Breece, who with his family was visiting at Keystone Sunday, heard of the accident and hastened to the scene, assisting in the search until late in the day. Then a phone call was sent to the firemen of Iowa City, and Rudolph Konvalinka and Leonard Rohret went to the scene with the hooks from there.

The drowning caused considerable excitement and many cars drove down to watch the efforts of the divers in recovering the body.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette and the Iowa City Citizen called the Marengo Republican early Monday morning for particulars of the tragedy. The body was not found until Monday afternoon, when the hooks with which the river was being dragged caught in some brush and while the men were extricating the hooks the body came to the surface.

Oscar Torglcr was born at Luzerne 29 years ago and was a son of Fred Torgler, for many years proprietor of the Luzerne blacksmith shop. He leaves a wife and two small children.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 15-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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